Tuesday, May 6, 2014

The White Album

No, not THAT one -- (the Beatles 1968 album viewed by critics as one of the greatest albums of all time.)

Instead, a few of the white flowers in my garden. Just a few but more to come as May progresses (Deutzia, Roses, Cleome, Gypsophila, Daisy, Magnolias, all in white of course).

White Iris

Late Narcissus 


White Foxglove -- a surprise this, as I only found it today tucked among other plants. I must have strewn seeds but I have no recollection of planting them!

Mock Orange. The tiny pristine blossoms truly smell like an orange grove.

White Clematis

One might view my back garden and think it colorless, which it is. All green and white. (OK, so I do have red and pink roses!) But I planned it that way because in my opinion there's nothing more beautiful than white flowers.

In the shade they shine. After the sun sets, they provide a magical setting when the moonlight illuminates them. Soothing. That's what a garden is all about for me!

Soothing is not the word, however, for all the work required to whip mine into shape each spring. I suppose I have fertile soil, as the weeds grow rampant over the winter and early spring.

But now that I'm "almost" done I hope to get back onto a more regular schedule of blogging, responding to your comments, and reading/commenting on your blogs.

As you might imagine, I also have been somewhat negligent in my indoor duties -- cleaning and cooking -- but we have survived quite well without those chores being accomplished.