Friday, June 7, 2013


Does anyone remember Shadowline? It was – and is – a line of lingerie once known for its quality and durability.

I liked it so well that I bought one in every color!
This photo makes these dressing gowns look like graduation gowns!
I have had these three lounging, or dressing gowns, since the mid-1980s. They have been worn and laundered many, many times. They still look almost new, showing no sign of wear.

They are made of nylon and are so very comfortable (is anything made from nylon anymore?)

I haven’t seen this brand offered in stores – at least not in my area – in quite a few years. It used to be a sought after brand so I decided to do a bit of research. 

Seems the line is still being made and can be ordered online. I wonder if the quality is still as good as it once was.

I searched, but could not find, where the garments are now made. My bet is NOT in the U.S. anymore.

I learned that the company was started in 1914 in Philadelphia. The current owner (it’s still a family owned business), Alan Rifkin tells how his grandparents started the business, now known as Velrose Lingerie (maker of Shadowline). His grandmother Rose would sew on a foot-treadle machine while raising 6 children and his grandfather William would cut the fabric at night and sell by day. They only made one style.

After World War II his father and uncles joined his grandfather in the family business and things went well. They specialized in day wear including strap slips, camisoles, half slips, and panties. Then in 1970 Alan joined and began to learn the business and eventually introduced sleepwear to the line, and later became president in 1996.

The next time I need to purchase items of this type, I may order Shadowline, just for old time's sake and to compare today's quality with that of yesterday.

Are you familiar with the brand? What is your brand of choice for lingerie items?


  1. I have never heard of this brand. Never.
    The model looks comfy, but nylon - I have never had a nylon night gown.
    I have only one brand I use, Lise Charmel, a French brand.

    1. It could be that this small company never exported its products. These I use as lounging gowns, not for sleeping!

  2. I have never heard of this brand either, but clearly the quality is excellent, and the colour choice is right up to date even after many years. Well bought!
    My favourite brand of nightgown is French Country, very fine cotton lawn in pastels, white or dainty prints, with various trims of embroidery, tucking, smocking or cotton lace. It breaths really well, which is needed for the 9 months of the year when it is tropical hot and humid round here. I buy a new one each year, and as they last well, have quite the collection now.

    1. Not familiar with French Country; sounds wonderful. I keep forgetting that you have so many months of tropical heat in Australia. Cotton is so cool.

  3. Never heard of the brand but they are attractive. I tend to receive night gowns/pj's as gifts from my daughters so wear whatever is at hand. They know I like cotton so that is usually what I receive - in one style or another.


    1. I think cotton is best for sleeping; so comfortable!

  4. Have never heard of this brand,what an amazing array of colours for nighties. I only wear cotton or silk night gowns.

    1. Granted, the colors are awfully bright, but these are so handy so slip into after a bath/shower, while doing makeup and hair but before getting dressed.

  5. I have heard of it and knew of it because of you but have never had one either.
    Looks so pretty still after all this time.

    1. They have held up really well. Have survived the numerous pets who have sat on my lap over the years since I bought them!
