Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cookie Baking Day

I hope you are having a good weekend. Today I'm going to make the cookies I posted about previously in the "Baking Without Flour" article. I had a comment from Beryl, who made the cookies already and wrote to let me know her results. She reported that the cookies are" very tasty - a little reminiscent of the French Macaron. Actually quite a lot reminiscent of them."

Now that is a good thing to hear, because I absolutely adore French Macarons, and have made them quite recently. Had I been "thinking," I would have known these flourless cookies would be similar, as the macarons also  are made with no flour.... I just didn't make the connection that I'd actually done "flourless baking" before.

Beryl goes on to say that if she made them again she would leave out the maple syrup, as she doesn't think it added anything except stickiness and over-sweetness. She mentioned they have a tendency to stick, so I will use my silicon baking mat, or parchment paper, to hopefully alleviate this problem. She suggested leaving the cookis on the sheet for only one minute instead of the suggested five in the recipe.  

If you are just now visiting my site and are not familiar with the baking challenge I proposed for us, see the Baking Without Flour post in the Blog Archive, right side of page. I hope you'll join me in making these cookies and report back your results in the comments section.

I'll also be posting pictures of the cookies so please stay tuned.

And by the way, I have received the gluten-free Southern Buttermilk Biscuit recipe I requested from a food blogger. I want to make these for a taste test before I recommend them to you. It substitutes cornstarch, rice flour and potato flour for the wheat flour, so I have NO IDEA what these are going to taste like. I have never bought any of those flours. I hope I can find them at Publix. If not, I'll order on the Internet.

I leave you today with this beautiful albino peacock picture sent me a few weeks ago. Isn't this the most gorgeous thing? I love it and hope you will be inspired by its beauty on this February weekend:

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet if you use your silicon baking sheets, you can leave them on for the whole five minutes. My husband loved these cookies, so I will be making them again. I also gave them to the Water Aerobics class at the Y, and have had lots of requests for the recipe.
