Monday, February 27, 2012

February Skies

I really had not planned to show you pictures of the evening sky again. I was all set to post on another subject today.  But then I took the dogs out for a late afternoon walk around 5 p.m., just a quick one before they returned for their evening meal. Naturally I had my camera in my pocket and couldn't resist when anything this beautiful was mine for the taking.

It wasn't the most spectacular late afternoon sky I've seen, but it was so interesting! The clouds, the colors, the quality of the setting sun. I had to grab a few quick shots,  and when I viewed them on my phone, just couldn't resist showing them to you. I hope you'll bear with me. I just can't get enough of evening and morning skies!


I wish I knew more about astronomy!

All these were taken around my house.

When the sky is this beautiful I don't want it to end!

And I hope you had a chance to go outside after dark tonight and view the spectacular celestial show -- the alignment of the crescent moon, Jupiter andd Venus in the western sky, photo below.

Astrophotographer John Green caught the moon, Venus and Jupiter over Mooresville, NC, Feb. 23, 2012.
CREDIT: John Green & The ULAO Project

1 comment:

  1. I had never even heard of an Astrophotographer before, and now I want to be one! Beautiful!
