Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Symphony

I have a pretty little cloth-backed book with blank pages inside.

On the inside cover, I recorded it was a Christmas present from my sister in 1987. So I have been writing in my little book for quite a few years. I write some of my favorite quotes from famous and not-so-famous people; music I want to listen to; books I want to read; story ideas; notes to myself; that sort of thing. Occupying the first page is an ode, or poem, words that have meant a great deal to me over the years.

I hope it inspires you as much as it has me:

My Symphony

To live content with small means;
 to seek elegance rather than luxury;
and refinement rather than fashion.
To be worthy, not respectable
and wealthy, not rich.
To study hard, think quietly,
talk gently, act frankly.
To look at stars and birds
and listen to babes and sages
with open heart.
To bear all cheerfully,
do all bravely
await occasions,
hurry never
In a word to let the spiritual,
unbidden and unconscious
grow up through the common.
This is to be my symphony.
--William Henry Channing (1810-1884)

It's about finding balance in your life, connecting with who you are, and creating a lifestyle so that you wake up each morning eagerly anticipating the day ahead. This is what I strive for! Not always easy, but so long as we're trying that's what is important.

I hope you enjoyed Valentine's Day! My husband gave me flowers and cooked dinner tonight. Now that was special! We then watched a movie, "The Lake House," which he selected because it has a Valentine Day connection. It stars Sandra Bulloch and Keanu Reeves. We have watched it before but enjoyed it again.


  1. Hello Sanda,

    Just popped over from Metscan's blog....Halcyon Days or as I call them my Kingfisher days reminds me of lazy days spent watching Dragonflies & Kingfishers swooping over the river banks.

    Also have some small boxes from Halcyon Days the store in London....thank you for the memories.

    What beautiful dogs I see they have their own sofa....we have always had dogs sadly none at the moment they really make a home complete.

    Looking forward to reading more of your posts. Ida

    1. Ida, you are a very special person, because you are the very first person to comment on my blog, which I started a few days ago. Thank you! I love dragonflies, too, and how special it must have been watching them and kingfishers swooping down over the river. I have seen those little boxes; very nice. And yes, the dogs really do make our home life complete!
