Sunday, March 25, 2012

Night Sky Show

About a month ago, Venus, Jupiter and the crescent moon aligned beautifully for evening sky watchers around the world. Tonight it happened again! These three heavenly bodies formed a bright celestial triangle in the western sky at sunset. If you missed it, there will be a repeat show tomorrow night. Try to go out before it turns completely dark. 

The following photos were taken after sunset, but turned out OK nevertheless.

This is the better picture of the moon, but the planet at the top (in the photo below) is barely visible in this photo

Another good moon shot; color different from the one above

This is probably the better picture because you get a better view of both planets

Here are the stats on the camera with which the photos, by my husband on our back deck:

Canon EOS Rebel T2i, with a Canon 70-200mm F-4 Zoom Lens. 3200 ISO, 8-tenths of a second exposure time.

We you able to see this Sunday night?


  1. Those are nice pictures. I'll try tomorrow with my special ipod app.

    1. Thanks, Beryl. Let me know how you come out with your camera app.

  2. Wonderful photos of the planets. We are having a very warm Spring here in the UK temps up to 68f
    The nights are too misty for viewing the night sky here. Ida

    1. Ida, don't you just love the night sky? Very warm spring here as well.

  3. Good pictures : ).
    I don´t go out in the evenings during winter months, because it is COLD, always.
    So I miss a lot ( ;

    1. Mette, sometimes the skies can be most beautiful in winter. But the cold would deter me as well.

  4. Great pictures and I did see the show last night. So beautiful. Also there are tons of fireflies out already which is more than a month early. Going to go outside shortly and take a look at the beautiful sight.

    1. I'm jealous that you have fireflies! I haven't seen any yet. So early for them -- like everything else. Pray that we don't get frost next week!
