Friday, March 9, 2012

Off For a Visit to Barnsley Gardens

I hope everyone is getting their weekend off to a good start!

Stopping by to say I won't have another post here until Monday. My sister and I are going for a two-day get away to Barnsley Gardens in north Georgia. It's a trip we've wanted to take for some time now but it's never been conveinent to do so, so we're just dropping everything and going anyway! The weather may be somewhat chilly, especially tomorrow morning, but we'll take plenty of warms things and enjoy it just the same. The early spring flowers should be in bloom. We'll be spending the night, probably in the Atlanta area, and returning home Sunday.

Here is the history of Barnsley Gardens. I am hoping to see a ghost or two during the visit and hope they will be the friendly type! There's a quite swank resort that's been built up on the surrounding grounds. I wish I could have visited the gardens prior to that; not that the resort isn't nice, I'm sure, but doesn't fit into my mind as fitting for the historic site.

I have installed the Instagram App on my new iPhone and want to try it for my pictures this weekend. My images won't be so beautiful as the one below, but I'm anxious to see what I can do with it.

Have a great weekend and I'll see you back here Monday!


  1. How gorgeous! Is having an iphone fun? One of my sons got me an ipod Touch for Christmas and it is great fun. Last night at Disneyland, I used my new Star app - you hold it up to the stars and it will identify all the planets and constellations for you.

    1. I am loving this iPhone S4; so much more user friendly than the Droid I had. That app you have sounds like so much fun!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks, and we did enjoy it very much. I'll be posting some pictures later this week, although I didn't get the "hang" of the Instagram app right away and accidentally deleted some of the best pictures. Should have practiced in advance. Oh well, things don't always turn out as planned!
