Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Spring Brings New Life in the Animal Kingdom

Cows live in a pasture beside our house and today we had the pleasure of seeing this newborn calf, not more than a few hours old. It stood once on its wobbly new legs, but promptly plopped on the ground. The mother cow busied herself licking her baby, but became extremely interested in a human with a camera moving near her.

Seeing this mother and her new baby is enough to make one consider never eating beef again.

We are awaiting the birth of a litter of kittens, but hope it doesn't look like this:

Two, maybe three, would be nice!

Hope you are enjoying this very early spring we are having this year!


  1. Is that a milk cow? There are some fancy white cows that are supposed to give the best milk, but I can't remember the name. (If I'm even right about them.) What a great basket of kittens! Are there a dozen in there?

    1. Beryl, they aren't milk cows. I believe they are raised to increase stock (I don't know the correct terminology for that). Yes, too many kittens, but aren't they sweet?

  2. What a l o v e l y post!
    The animal babies, how w o n d e r f u l they are. I have no words to describe my tender feelings, when seeing pictures like these.
    I have not seen a newborn calf IRL, only a foal. Aah. Amen.
    What would you do, if you received a basket full of kittens?

    1. Yes, I love all animal babies as well. All animals period! We would find homes for them should we get many. Several people have expressed an interest in getting one. I think there's nothing nicer than having a couple of kittens, or cats, lolling around. Do you have cats?

  3. Love the pictures and the story. I too hope we don't have a basketful of kitties - what will we do with all of them??just love them I guess.

    1. You take two, I take two, and before you know it they'll all have a home! I wish she would hurry and have them. Has looked like "any day now" for two weeks!
