Friday, March 23, 2012

When Darkness Turns to Sunshine

Sometimes a day begins dark and gloomy

And then the rain comes

And you feel unhappy because things aren't going so well.

 But eventually things turn around in your favor and before you know it, the sun is shining.

It's time to return home from the office after a long, hard week. The weekend's ahead of you, yipee! and it's your wedding anniversary!

And then your husband presents you with

An iPAD, an iPAD, an iPAD!!! YES!

Wow, I'm a happy girl. If I thought I was in love with my iPhone, he tells me, then I'll be over the moon with this new toy. More to come!

Wishing you a great weekend!


  1. Wow! That is pretty exciting! You have me convinced to get an iphone when it's time for my next upgrade. I'll be waiting for your report on the ipad.

    1. Exciting, yes! I can't wait to get started. Weekend too busy to tackle it but with iPad I can blog wherever I am!

  2. I own neither of those. None in our family has one.
    But, as it was on your wish list, I am happy, that you received one.
    We have them over here, I see many " playing " with them happily, but maybe it is more of a US thing?

    1. Mette, it could by more popular in the U.S. I guess we get caught up in "all things new." But these Apple products are the best

  3. Happy wedding anniversary,have a great weekend. Ida

    1. Thank you Ida. The years pass very quickly. Seems it's always a birthday, Easter, Christmas, anniversary. Little celebrations make these days special, though.

  4. That is wonderful! You didn't tell me today or remind me that I completely forgot the anniversary yesterday. Glad you enjoyed it. Now you'll really be busy.

    1. Probably too busy, Sissy. I forgot to mention it, with all that work "stuff" going on.
