Thursday, April 5, 2012

An Early Lettuce Crop and Flowers

We will be eating homegrown lettuce in our salad bowls in a few days! I planted this a couple of weeks ago in two planters hanging on the deck rail. They are wire baskets with a coconut fiber lining. I'll fill them with flowers after the lettuce is gone, but I wanted the lettuce handy to the kitchen this year!

I had multiple gardening chores planned for the late afternoon and I got several things accomplished. But while I was checking on and feeding Sox, the pitter-patter of rain drops started and I had to rush to the house to prevent getting soaked.

After a quick supper, the rain had stopped and I ventured outside with the dogs and shot a few flower pictures.

Zephirine Drouhin, with its long thorn-free canes, is easy to train on an arbor. Its old-rose fragrance scents the entire garden in the late afternoon and early evening. This is my favorite rose!

The rain drops collected on the Zephrine Drouhin petals is delightful eye candy!

Knock-Out Rose. Blooms consistently throughout the growing season.

My three-year-old lavender is beginning to bloom. Heaven!

White Clemitis, variety unknown. Rain gave it an interesting coloration.

Another white Clemitis. I do not know the variety of this one either.

It's the most beautiful time of the year. All the trees are in full leaf, the sun is shining and it's great to be alive to all the beauty that surrounds us. Next week the weatherman is saying we could get light frost Wednesday night. Oh dear, let's hope not. I planted my tomatoes yesterday.


  1. Oh goodie! This means soon the dishes you bring to Mother's will contain all the wonderful things you grow. Hope the bunnies don't get to it before we do. Guess they can't get the lettuce that's planted in the baskets. The rose is absolutely beautiful and such a great shot. The clematis is so, so pretty - (one of your white garden items) sorry I can't grow these sun requiring things but shade gardening is wonderful also.

  2. Looking at your garden and all the flowers and plants, I realize once again, that the world is b i g !
    Simply beautiful!

    1. Just over four acres, but some of it is woods and fields. A lot to keep mown but Ikeep my garden down to a more manageable size. Still, it's a lot of work!

  3. I grow my ZD rose up the side of the barn the scent is divine.
    Your lettuces make me hungry,love it in a cheese sandwich.

    Had an air frost last night -2c,HB had to rush out and cover some plants! Also a full moon which made me think of you. Ida

    1. How sweet that you thought of me! Hope your plants survived the frost! ZD is a great rose

  4. Lavender's just about my favorite:). Ever.

  5. I love the scent of old roses. Your lettuce looks great. I never think of growing it in a container. You are such a wealth of information on gardening. Thanks!
