Monday, April 23, 2012

Happy Birthday to My Sister

April 24 is my sister's birthday and I want to wish her a wonderful day because she is a special person -- not only to me but to all who have the privilege of knowing her.

When we were small, we argued like all children do. I always looked up to her, though. I wanted to be like her, go where she went, do everything she did. I was the annonying younger sister. After we got through the teenage years and started to make lives of our own, we became very close and have remained so until this day. I know it shall be so for as long as we live.

We have shared so many good things and good times together. There also have been the sad times as well, but we survived them together.

I cannot imagine life without her. She is strong, smart, beautiful, kind, tender-hearted and tenacious! If she loves someone she'll walk through fire for them. She would do anything within her power for me, and I for her.

For all these reasons I want to wish her the happiest birthday ever. And  I want her to know that I love her very, very much!


Sisters -- in matching dresses made by mother. I remember that they were bright yellow print with white linen collars.

Ready for the piano recital. Wearing our taffeta frocks with net overlay on the skirts and the carnation corsages which smelled so good!

Wisdom from others about Sisters:

One's sister is part of one's essential self, an eternal presence of one's heart, soul and memory. Susan Cabil

Sisters touch your heart in ways no other could. Sisters share... their hopes, their fears, their love, everything they have. Real friendship springs from their special bonds. Carrie Bagwell

You know full well as I do the value of sisters' affections: There is nothing like it in this world. Charlotte Bronte


  1. How sweet and touching - it makes me cry. I want the world to know I have the very best sister in the world. Everything said here is mutual, I love my sister so much and could not imagine life without her. God gave me the best and I am well aware of it. Thanks Sis. I love you.

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  2. Make tomorrow special and I know you will. Sounds like a fun-filled day to be spent with a friend who's been in your life almost since the beginning. Tell Becky I said hello!!

  3. Happy Birthday to your sister have a jolly,fun day.

    Such lovely pictures,especially the taffeta dresses.Happy memories to treasure.

    As an only child always wanted a sister.Ida

    1. Whatever happened to taffeta? We always had our party dresses made in taffeta!

  4. Your dresses are adorable. And the corsages! How wonderful. Happy Birthday, Edith - love your sister's writing and your comments.

    1. Thank you, Beryl! Ah, corsages worn on the shoulder of dresses. Certainly dating myself!

  5. Awww this is such a sweet and one of the most heartfelt birthday wishes for sister that I've seen. Love the photos, showing all those memories you girls had. So loving it.

    Cheers! <3

  6. Wow, this is really sweet birthday wishes for sister .. So touching and very inspiring as well .. thanks for sharing :)

  7. Thanks for these Birthday cards images and wishes for friends and family. These Birthday Greeting cards and wishes are really very useful when you want to impress someone on their happy birthday. I am sure your messages and images will help us a lot. Thanks!

  8. Hi great post indeed!

    This is really great collection of Birthday Wishes for Sister. Actually today is my Sister's Birthday and I am going to wish her through this post.

    Thanks dear for sharing such wonder Birthday Wishes Messages with us.

    Muhammad Irfan.

  9. Sister is a very close person that we have and Happy Birthday Sister Wishes should be something really special because Sisters are so special

    happy birthday sister

  10. We grow up with them, spend the good times and the bad ones as well together, standing strong. Don’t you think we should think of something really special when it’s their Birthday? Today in this article, I have decided to come up with some of the best lines that you can send to your beloved sister on her special day to make her smile and her day worthwhile.

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  12. happy birthday sisterSister is a very close person that we have and HappyBirthday Sister Wishes should be something really special because Sisters are so special,You might be best friends or there is also a possibility that you guys fight like enemies in a war, but deep down somewhere you love your sister and you know it.

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  14. Thank you for awesome post about Happy Birthday Sister loved it...

