Saturday, April 7, 2012

Happy Easter

I wish for you a joyous Easter, filled with happiness and good times.

And saving the best for last, below is a picture of two of Sox's kittens; the others are in the dark background. It wasn't easy getting this photo; required my shining a flashlight inside the box and my husband kneeling down to shoot it.

Tomorrow, when we go to my mother's for lunch, my sister and I plan to switch them into a more substantial "home," an igloo dog bed which she is bringing. I hope Sox will tolerate the move, but the kittens are going to be outgrowing the box very soon. Today I noticed they are beginning to try and stand up, but cannot get any traction on the cardboard. I placed a towel inside and when I checked late this afternoon, they had moved onto the towel.

Aren't these the sweetest little faces ever? I am amazed at how two grown women (my sister and I) are so excited about six baby kittens! I hope to provide a picture of all these babies tomorrow.

Enjoy your day!


  1. Those kittens are adorable. Happy Easter to you too!

    1. They are growing like the weeds in my garden. They will be up and walking soon!

  2. Happy Easter have an eventful day with your family.

    The tulips/Iris picture are glorious we use to grow them together,sweet reminded of Spring.

    Am off to browse your post on Feng Shui....Mette has mentioned it,but I never got round to checking it out! Ida

    1. Hope you day was enjoyable. Did you have nice weather?

  3. Thank you for your Easter surprise, the kittens. Baby kittens, puppies, bunnies, foals, baby anything are the best!
    I hope the new " nest " is going to work!!!
    A lovely Easter!

    1. Yes, Sox took to the new house quite well! She wasn't particiularly fond of moving the kittens. She licked them to get the scent of we humans off them. When I checked on all of them just before dark, she was lounging peacefully within. They have so much more room in the big doghouse. Didn't have opportunity to photograph them. Hopefully when they begin begging up and moving about I can get a good shot.
