Thursday, April 19, 2012

Raisin Cake

I made Pop's raisin cake yesterday and was pleased with the results. Perhaps mine didn't rise quite as high as his, but that likely is attributable to a "light hand" in mixing, which comes from his baking expertise. Nevertheless, it was quite pretty and I'm happy to pass along the recipe, at the request of Beryl. Do visit her blog; she's a very interesting lady and I learn tons of new things from her!

If you decide to try the recipe, please let me know your results and if you liked the cake. I find it very similar in texture to a pound cake and if you like raisins you should like it. I can never leave a recipe alone, and am wondering if I should do half nuts and half raisins the next time I bake it. I love nuts in everything! Almonds, walnuts or pecans should work here. I will let you know if I try that and how it turns out.

I'm not providing the conversion of grams to cups below. That information is easily to be found on the Internet and as I mentioned, I measured my ingredients in grams on my handy-dandy metric scale. I did have to look up the milk proportion and found that 125 ml. milk equals about 1/2 cup.

On to the cake:

Rodonkuchen (Raisin Cake)

200 grams butter
200 grams sugar
1 package vanilla sugar
4 eggs
500 grams flour
4 teaspoons baking power
125 ml. milk
300 grams raisins (half golden raisins; half black raisins)

(Note: I did not have vanilla sugar so I substituted 2T sugar plus 1 t. vanilla)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour a 10- or 12-cup Bundt pan, or an angel food cake pan.
Pour boiling water over raisins and let stand at least 30 minutes. Drain before using.
Measure flour and baking powder and stir until mixed.
Cream butter until light; add sugars and blend well. Add eggs one at a time and beat until light. (If using liquid vanilla, add at this point). Fold in flour and stir until well blended. Turn into cake pan. Bake 50-60 minutes. Cool on rack in pan 10 minutes; remove from pan and cool completely.
What is your favorite cake?


  1. Thanks for that sweet compliment. I learn a lot of new stuff from you, too. Your gardening skills make me green with envy!
    This recipe sounds great. I have been meaning to get a new kitchen scale, and as soon as I do, I'll try this out. My favorite cake is a Spice Cake with Peanut Butter Frosting. Often, I just use a Spice Cake mix and sometimes I substitute Almond Butter in the frosting. Yum!

  2. Looking forward to more of your recipes on your blog.Have you ever eaten Italian Cream Cake? That one's my favorite!

  3. The cake was very good; however, I didn't get to see it when it was whole and pretty. This lady is a wonderful cook as well as gardener - always trying a new recipe that turns out wonderful.
