Saturday, May 26, 2012

Closet Angst

It began with going through handbags last night, and continues today, and into the night, with a decision it was time to put the closet in order. What a chore that has been! In addition to straightening up, pressing and organizing, I have decided I have too much of everything. It is ridiculous to have this many things to wear. So I tried to sort things out. First, to the shoes:

I did not dare count them; I couldn't bear it. All I know is I must pare down the number of pairs of shoes I have. Where to begin? This is going to be difficult.

Casual tops - short sleeves, 3/4 sleeves; long sleeves. I prefer solids, mostly white and black and stripped ones. There must be 30 of these; a few to add an occasional splash of color. I don't think I need 10 white ones and 8 black ones.

Skirts: Four black, three gray, brown, kahki, white, orange silk, navy, and a print. Probably too many!

Ten (!) white blouses, blue, light purple, black and white stripped.

Slacks: Lightweight wool and every other fabric imaginable: black, gray, kahki, white, a few checked ones.

Jackets. Well you can see for yourself: mostly black or white with a few that are gray, red and print.

Scarves: To be pressed, folded and stored in a drawer.

Love my hats! A couple of more handbags!

LOVE this summer handbag. Bought it three years ago. Will be sad when it wears out!

Vintage handbags. Mother's from the 1950s. Can't bear to part with these.

I haven't even mentioned the jeans, the summer ankle pants, the sweaters that have now been cleaned and stored for the summer. Or the coats, oh my, coats, which are my other weakness (besides handbags).

I am still trying to make decisions on what to keep, what to give away, what to discard entirely. I am thinking I am going to have some "give aways" on this blog, especially handbags. Stay tuned to see what the offerings will be. Similar to thrifting, except the items will be FREE, to be shipped to you anywhere you may be.

And while on the subject of caring for clothes, I want to share with you the best laundry detergent I've EVER tried. I've never had my clothes to look this clean, smell this good. If you haven't, give it a try!

Someway, I've gotten through this day by listening to 70's rock music. Love my Elton John, Al Stewart, Jackson Browne, America, Bread, the Eagles and all those wonderful sounds from the 1970s.

Also tomorrow, I'll share with you my most favorite things in my closet -- my "go to" things I couldn't do without; the things I wear over and over again. It's pretty simple, really. About 15 pieces that are indispensible.

What are your favorite clothing items? What are your weaknesses when shopping? I'd love to hear your stories.


  1. Oh wow, I need to do this same thing. I did a bit of it when we returned home, but I really should do it right like you are doing. Too bad we aren't neighbors. You and I have similar taste. And definitely keep your mother's vintage bags. I wish I had kept more of my mother's things.

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend and thanks for your lovely comments on my blog.

    1. Hello Sam,
      I really enjoy your beautiful blog. Your recipes and photos are divine! Thanks for stopping by and I'll keep everyone posted on how my closet work is going!

  2. Omg, omg.. you really have a l o t of everything!
    How long have you had these all, when was the last time you did some decluttering?
    However, I salute you for sharing us your possessions. The timing for throwing/ getting rid of stuff is perfect, as you are ending your work career soon, if I remember correctly?
    Just one piece of advice. When in doubt - don´t. ( Don´t save it ).

    1. Hello Mette,
      Some of the items in my closet are five, six, seven years old. I take very good care of everything and seldom have to discard items unless they shrink, stretch or fade. Yes, I shall retire June 22 from my job and will have more time to undertake endeavours such as the closet revamping. I will try to heed your advice above!

  3. Oh, forgot to answer your question.
    My favorite piece of clothing is my ankle length Moncler down coat ( 8 ) years old.
    My weakness - if I like something, I don´t care what it costs. A very bad weakness.

    1. Your coat must be beautiful. Fortunately for me, I don't have a weakness for designer or super expensive clothing. I like things that look good but don't break the bank!

  4. Well,good thing you have your retirement coming up! so much to sort through.

    Depending on your new life style,will you change how you dress?

    My bronze Elm taffeta top is my favourite piece of clothing.

    Weakness very expensive handbags,and shoes!!

    Left a comment on your shoe collection post.
    Looking forward to seeing your favourite clothes. Ida

    1. Hello Ida,
      I know that my retirement will change the way I dress to much more casual. I have many skirts and slacks with jackets that match and I certainly will not have the need for these. I have been gradually moving toward more casual the past couple of years.

  5. The closet looks great!!! Need you to help me decide to get rid of a lot of things also. Life would be so much easier if we didn't have so much "stuff". My least favorite thing to shop for is shoes so I don't have a lot. My very most favorite thing to buy is a coat - too many of them for the weather we have here and I also like linen shirts.

    1. Hi Sissy,
      I love your linen shirts, pants and skirts! Linen is so cool for summer. Still working on that closet, I am, but I might be a bad one for you to consult with on your project. I'd end up wanting to take everything you decided to discard!

  6. Sanda, I enjoyed "going thru your closet". Love your style - classy and comfortable! I just went thru my closets recently and gave a lot of things to a niece.I'm really bad about assuming I'll get back down to a 6 or 8! :-) Being in Nashville, denim is King in the clothes category. I love good-looking jeans, white shirt and denim jacket, alternating with long skits and, of course, boots. Boots are to your outfit what a glass of sweet tea is to Sunday dinner.
    Thanks for sharing! Good luck!

    1. Thank you, Areeda.
      You always look so beautiful in your denim and the other lovely things you wear. Good for you on cleaning out your closet and giving things away!

  7. Thank you, Areeda!
    You always look so nice in everything you wear, including denim!
    Congratulations to you for cleaning out your closet and giving things away!
