Monday, May 21, 2012

Kittens Galore

The five kittens are eight weeks old today. They are just about the cutest things I've ever seen. Four are almost identical and we can't really tell which one is which. One of the gray striped ones is a male and the rest are females, including the black one.

We have named them Blackie, Carl and the three striped girls are Myrtle, Gertie and Murtie. These were the names of my mother's older sisters.

These must be the most photographed kittens ever! None of the photos I take are quite satisfactory, however, as they won't stay still long enough to prevent blurs. The ones below are the best I can do for now.

Yes, we plan to keep all of them. They will live at the barn. My dogs may never know they exist because they don't go walking in that area.

We will have them all fixed as soon as they are old enough.

They are very playful, as all kittens are, and they make me very happy!


  1. I am SO glad that Sox can keep all her babies!! They are so cute!! Thx for the update.

    1. Hi Areeda,
      Several other people have expressed an interest in getting one, but we can't bear to part with a single one! They get cuter each day.

  2. These are great photos. Yes I would agree they have had some special attention from us all. We are like children with these kittens and that's a good thing. It brings smiles from Mother and makes her happy too. Isnt it wonderful that so many special things are free (well - maybe not when we make the vet visit)! But it's worth that.

    1. Hi Sissy,
      What you say is all very true! These animals have brought much joy into our lives!

  3. The choice of names is a fun one.
    I´m pretty sure, that your dogs are aware of the kittens, they just might not be interested in them. Retrievers come well along with cats. Great, however, that they have a house ( barn ) all for themselves.
    Now, who could resist a small kitten like the ones you have!

    1. Hi Mette,
      Since my retrievers chase rabbits and squirrels I am afraid they would also chase the kittens, so I want to keep them apart until the kittens are big enough to defend themselves.

  4. Oh! I want the black one! It is too, too precious.

    1. Oh, you like her too! So do we. In some ways she's a favorite. She seems so independent and is the first one who discovered how to get out of the crib where we had them contained during the first six weeks of their lives. She's a live wire!
