Thursday, May 24, 2012

Optical Illusions

We had fun with these when we were kids. For instance, this one:

What image do you see? A beautiful young woman, or an old and haggard woman?

  (I see the young woman first; I have to stare at it for awhile before the old woman's face is visible to me.)

The faces of two facing men, or a vase? (The faces are the first image I see)

Floor tiles at the Basilica of St. John Lateran in Rome. The pattern creates an illusion of three-dimensional boxes.

Or how about this one:

When you look at the picture up close you see Albert Einstein. Now stand up and take several steps back, roughly 15 feet away,
It will become... Marilyn Monroe.

These are fun! For more, go to this page:


  1. Some eye tricks, fun. I had to look hard at the first one, and could not make the last one into Marilyn Monroe. I´ll try again.
    Thanks for the treat!

    1. Hi Mette,
      Be sure to view the Einstein photo from a distance and sort of squench your eyes!

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  2. Had never heard of this before,have worked all except the first...cannot make out the old woman.

    Such a fun post,off to try the 1st one again! Ida

    1. Hello Ida,
      If you haven't found the old woman yet, look at the young girl's face and chin and that's the old woman's nose; the ear on the young girl is her eye and the necklace is the old woman's mouth. See it now?

  3. Pretty neat! I never did see the old woman's face.

  4. I did, I did see it soon as I looked again.

    1. Hi Edith,
      These pictures really do play tricks on us!

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