Saturday, June 30, 2012

Everything's Peachy

No fruit is more beautiful than a peach (in my opinion). So when they come into season each year I want to eat them as often as possible. These beauties were grown in a large commercial orchard no more than 20 miles from where I live. 

The only thing better than the looks of a perfect peach is when you sink your teeth into one.

These are ready for lunch today at my mother's house. I bought fresh corn, okra and tomatoes at  the Saturday morning farmer's market in our town. My sister is preparing those fresh vegetables, plus speckled butter beans from the freezer. Sliced fresh tomatoes with basil, fried okra and corn on the cob. A summer feast.

A fella from our town goes over to the orchard and brings peaches to our town to sell from the back of his truck. The price for this basket is normally $15. Since it was the end of the day, and he was ready to leave and get in out of the heat, he let my husband have this basket, plus a few more he threw in for good measure, for $10. A very good deal.

What is your favorite fruit? Other than eating it fresh, do you have special ways you prepare it? I'm thinking of using some of these for peach ice cream.

I won't be outdoors today; the temperature is supposed to reach 106 F., with a heat index of about 115 F. I'll be inside eating peaches!


  1. That is a great $10 basket of peaches! What type of mint do you use with peaches? (I went out to buy mint plants and found way too many choices - except I did buy some Chocolate Mint, that was a no-brainer!)

    1. Hi Beryl
      I like spearmint best and use for all my mint uses. You are right; there are so many. I also grow orange, banana, apple and lavender mint but am somewhat disappointed in them. They don't have that intense mint taste spearmint has. Have had the chocolate variety in the past; also peppermint.

  2. Hello Sanda

    Those peaches look delicious. I love peaches and apricots but my all time favourite is figs(preferably eaton in Italy)

    Have a glorious weekend

    1. Hi Helen
      Figs eaten in Italy is peachy I'm sure! Happy Independence Day.

  3. Life is no fair. Not in the case of fruit either. The only fruit we grow here are apples, pears, plums and cherries. In the very southern part of the country.
    All the rest get imported. Plus the above mentioned for only a certain period of the year.
    I do like several fruit, but because I´m lazy in the food department, fruit included, I grab the easiest type. So be it an apple.

    1. Peaches and many other fruit available here because of long growing season. But alas, we have to endure such hot summers. Today I wish I was with you in Finland, 106 F with heat index 115!

  4. You temptress, I could sink my teeth into those peaches now..ours are all imported.The best and largest ones I have ever eaten were in Greece,yummy.

    We are in the middle of the fresh UK grown strawberry season,I make Eton Mess with them,also fresh raspberries.
    Always try to eat seasonable fruit....oh forgot the Victoria plums!

    Your mother is lucky to have such caring daughters, may I ask what is okra?

    Don't envy your temps....56f here this morning. Ida

    1. Hi Ida - Is Eton Mess like the Australian Pavlova? Meringue, whipped cream, and fruit?

    2. Beryl, I was wondering about Eton Mess myself. Perhaps Ida will see your question and educate us!

    3. Ida, Blogger is so annoying today. It won't let me respond to you at the appropriate place. I have had peaches in Greece, and they are delicious! Okra is a vegetable, a seed pod really, that is reported to have been introduced to the southern U.S. by African slaves. It is used extensively in Creole cooking, especially known as a gumbo ingredient. We also cut into small pieces, batter with cornmeal and fry in hot oil. It's taste is unique; can't think of anything to compare it's taste with. Crunchy from the batter and soft inside.Growing it requires a long, hot season so it's cultivation in the U.S. is pretty much limited to the Southern states. I wish I could send you some!! It's very healthy, full of nutrients, until, of course, we batter and fry!

    4. Thanks for the details on the Okra,have heard of gumbo.
      Wish you could Sanda sounds good.

      Hi Beryl,sounds like it,double cream,sugar,meringues & strawberries all messed up together by the Etonians for a June cricket match in the 1930's.....typical type of puddings made by boys(laughing) you could use any fruit,but would you dare serve up the' Eton mess' to guests!Ida

  5. My all-time favorite fruit - Peach! My favorite way to use peaches is Homemade Fried Peach Pies. Love a peach cobbler using homemade dumplings in it. Haven't bought any yet but will in next week or so. I buy almost a hundred pounds from a grower, put them in freezer and use for fried pies to sell at festivals in the Fall. Sanda, your salads - that you just "whip up" on a whim - are so delicious looking! I, too, love Mediterranean salads. Everyone stay cool; this, too, shall pass. Areeda in Nashville

    1. Hello Areeda
      I have had your homemade fried pies are they are outstanding. Oh my, one hundred pounds! That's a lot of peaches to peel, but I know you love making your pies for the fall festivals. Regarding this hot weather passing, the SOONER the BETTER!

  6. The peaches were beautiful and tasted heavenly. The presentation made them even better - the pretty crystal bowl and the mint to garnish them. The lunch was wonderful.
    Peaches and strawberries are my favorite fruits.
