Sunday, June 3, 2012


Perfume may or may not be an important element in your wardrobe, if you adhere to the theory that no woman is completely dressed until she’s applied her scent. Some women love it, others not so much. I have always adored perfumes, and I am very keyed in to scents in general, not just the scent of a lovely perfume.
I find that particular scents bring forth a rush of vivid memories -- the White Shoulders that my grandmother favored, Arpege worn by a friend from long ago, Jean Nate bath products the vacation in England years ago.
The first real perfume I ever owned was Joy. A friend of mine wore it and I thought it to be the most heavenly scent I’d ever smelled – all jasmine and rose. I remembered when, as a young teenager I had read that Joy was first lady Jacqueline Kennedy’s favorite perfume, and this knowledge made me want to have it even more. I felt so grown up with my first Joy purchase.
Over the years I have never established a “signature scent” for myself, as many women do.  I have tried and loved many. I may wear one particular brand for a year or two and something else might capture my attention. But I do not change perfume lightly. I order sample vials through the mail or try one in stores several times before I put my money down.
Right now, I wear Chanel No. 5. I’ve actually been with it for four years, as I feel it suits me. I prefer the body cream over the perfume or eau de parfum because of its richer, warmer scent. I also like very much the No. 5 Hair Mist, which is not sold in the U.S. Occasionally I find it via the Internet and place an order. I think all the No. 5 products have a different smells – the body cream, lotion, bath powder, hair mist and body oils. I really like them all. My main objection to the perfume is it doesn’t stay with me. So I just keep reapplying!
I enjoy having the entire suite of products, and below are the ones I have now, or have had and I really love all of them.
Chanel No. 5 Perfume

Chanel No. 5 Body Cream

Chanel No. 5 soap--luxurious, beautiful and smells so good!

Chanel No. 5 Bath Gel. Nice for those times you want a good soak in the tub.

Chanel No. 5 Body Lotion. A really strong scent, a little goes a long way!

Chanel No. 5 Hair Mist. Love this!

Chanel No. 5 Sensual Elixir. A thick and satiny cream for an all-over sensational smell.
Chanel No. 5 Bath Oil. A really nice bath oil. Love it!
Chanel No. 5 Eau de Parfum Purse Spray

Other scents I’ve used over the years include Vera Wang, Bijan, Oscar de la Renta, Estee Lauder White Linen and Lauren by Ralph Lauren. Some scents are better for summer or winter. One that I’ve stayed with over the years for summer is the lemony-lime O de Lancome.
Do you use perfume or scent daily? What are your favorites? Do you have a signature scent? I would love to hear your views on this.


  1. Hi Sanda, just found your blog and have spent the last hour being totally engrossed in lots of yor posts. I love the story of Miss Essie and Rocket. I too love perfume and have eight or nine different ones. Which one I wear, just depends how I feel when I get up. For the last few days I've been wearing Flowerbomb, Viktor and Rolf. Lesley x

    1. Hello Lesley
      I am so glad you found my blog, and as a result I found yours too. I have a "dormant" interest in quilting myself. And your Tilly is so beautiful. I love dogs too and have two retrievers as well! Please stop by again!

  2. Ooh, I love perfume Sanda although it doesn't love me! Like many redheads, I have a certain acidity to my skin that can easily change a perfume or make it quickly evaporate. I need to by quality non-synthetic based perfumes, which are more and more expensive! But I do love them. I wear different scents all the time--I wear rose on Sunday mornings for example--and would never, ever go out at night without it!

    1. Hello Heather
      It sounds as if you've found what works for you. Rose on Sunday mornings sounds divine. Have you tried Tea Rose? A very good rose scent in perfume!

  3. I prefer a " breathe through " perfume. For the past years, it has been Dsquared for me.
    I use only one perfume day/ night.
    A perfume is an intimate thingy for me. No intention to change the one I´m using for now.

    1. Hello Mette
      DSquared is a new one to me. There are so many that I cannot keep track of them all. Yes, we should stick with what we love and sounds as if you've found it.

  4. Great article. You of all folks I know have more knowledge of perfume as well as other scents in essential oils. I love it but don't use it very much anymore, especially on Sunday as we have a lot of ladies at church that will get up and move away from you if you smell good! I hate this - that I have to abide by what someone else prefers.
    I do use it going to other places. The one I have stuck with for a lot of years is Estee Lauder's Beautiful, Sheer.
    There are lots that I do like and always what YOU are wearing smells so good.
