Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday Miscellany

After five days of much needed and long overdue rain, I awoke this morning to sunny skies. It was a welcome treat, but I only hope Mr. Sun does not decide to scorch us with the 100 plus temperatures we had last week.

I am loving this retirement thing. Actually I think retirement is the wrong word; it conjures up images of "not doing much," at least in my mind, and that certainly has not been the case for me the past three weeks (has it really been three weeks; how the time flies when you're enjoying yourself).

I like making my own schedule, sleeping in a bit if I feel like it, not feeling rushed to get every task and chore completed on a timeline. I have tried not to be very structured; I just do things as I feel like it. As time goes by, I plan to get my schedule more organized. I'm still waiting for a yoga class and am very much looking forward to that.

I read an article today, 8 easy steps to improve your handwriting, from, that interested me. You might want to read it if the subject interests you. The one tip that was surprising is that you should move your shoulder, not your wrist and fingers, when you write. Now I'm going to have to practice that one. Finding the correct pen for yourself also is important. Since I don't own a Mont Blanc fountain pen, I prefer using Precise V5 Rolling Ball Extra Fine in Black. I will begin practicing these eight steps tomorrow!

The latest pet report is that Kitty Sox and the dogs, Valerie and Kris, are fully integrated. We had to take it one step at the time. First Sox stayed confined to a room in the basement. Gradually, Kris started following me down when I went to attend to her. The two of them made friends quickly, Kris being more nervous about the situation than Sox. Valerie began standing at the top of the steps, curious about what was going on. Sox began to leave the room and hop up the steps. As of last week, she came all the way up to the main floor and she and Valerie sniffed around the made friends quite quickly.

Sox has now decided that perhaps she would like to live on the top floor and is camping out in one of the spare bedrooms. She has made herself quite at home. The dogs are very curious about all her comings and goings, but I am quite thankful it has been a peaceful blending.

Sox, who thinks she now rules the roost!

After Sox moved to the 2nd floor, Valerie stood and gazed up, hoping to catch a glimpse of her.

Valerie has never gone up or down steps (a hang-up she has for unknown reasons). But since Sox moved upstairs, Valerie has gone half-way up the steps. 

I have found a new friend!

Have you heard about the solar radiation storm in progress? A news report tonight indicated we might be able to see something in the sky beginning Saturday, July 14, at dawn (in the U.S.)?

No cause for concern, the experts tell us, although satellite communications could be affected. Northern Lights generated by the event may be viewed as far south as Florida. I don't know about you, but I'm going to try and see this. Read the story at NASA Science

Here's wishing a safe and happy weekend!


  1. You will soon find that, like most of us, you are busier than ever in retirement! I love your animals, and the doggie venturing upstairs is just adorable. As usually happens, it appears that Puss is calling the tune in this friendship :)

    1. I think you are correct, Patricia, She means to rule!

  2. Oh, how lovely! Referring to the " meeting " of Socks and your dogs. Soon they will all camp on the top floor!
    I´m also happy to read you reporting having a fun time as retired. Some people get depressed and feel lame to do anything.
    You have been active all your life, which lessens the risk of getting depressed. It is also proved in many studies, that having pets around, helps.
    Last, but not least, the gardening and the fact that you love to make food ( and I suppose that means calling over guests ), is refreshing too.
    Wishing you not a too hot weekend!

    1. Hi Mette
      I hope things went well for you today.
      I believe having pets is one of the best therapies an individual can have. I am hoping all three pets will sleep together in a pile!

  3. We had a thunder storm last night, but it's clear and hot again this morning. At least I get a day off from watering the plot.
    Your stairs are lovely and the picture of Valerie nosing up to Sox is adorable. You should enter it in some kind of contest.
    I don't know how I had time for anything before I was retired. I love it!
    As far as handwriting goes, are you familiar with handwriting analysis, which indicates that you can tell the personality of a person by his handwriting? I read that there was once an offshoot of Graphoanalysis (I think?) that suggested that you will change your personality by changing your handwriting. What a weird theory! (I still wish I had more attractive handwriting.)

    1. Ah yes, Beryl, handwriting analysis interests me somewhat. I will have to look up that term Graphoanalysis. I don't want to go changing my personality if I improve my handwriting. :) Although it was "only" in the mid-90s today, it felt SO hot because of the high humidity.

  4. As Mette said, you have been active all your life. I know that perhaps better than anyone! You are amazing at all the things you can and have done. Lots of them I have done but this story writing you do everyday amazes me! I hope you get to that book soon! You are fabulous at telling stories. Wish everyone was lucky as I am and could see those doggies and Sox. I do believe Sox has everyone in that house "lined up"!

    1. Well, I think I get it from Daddy, this love of telling stories. The book one day! Thanks for your kind words, dear sister!

  5. I am so glad to see that all the animals have gotten acquainted with each other. You did a great job, slowly getting them all together.
    So happy to see that the retirement thing is working well with you. It is great to set your own schedule , because you worked everyone else schedule all these many years. Enjoy ..
    The Yoga class sounds like fun. Where are you taking it, in Rogersville?
    Keep writing all these great stories, I love to read them. Its fun reading the ones I remember when we were growing up. Reminiscing is good for the "soul"..
    Love ya Cuz..

    1. Hi there! Hoping to get in a yoga class at Athens State; they offer them from time to time. If there were one in Rogersville, I'd do that because it's close to home. Thanks, and I agree that reminiscing is good for the soul! Love you too!
