Monday, July 30, 2012

Evening Sky

I never fail to be fascinated by the evening sky. Each sunset is so different, so beautiful. Here are a few pictures I made while walking the dogs with Claus this evening. We usually have a little contest to see who can get the best picture! These are made with the iPhone Instagram App.

Another reminder to self that I usually have "too many things" going at once was the realization that I needed to finish the homemade yogurt I started earlier today. This, while putting the frosting on the coconut refrigerator cake and finishing up the broccoli salad. Why do I start so many things at once? All this while trying to concentrate on getting this blog posted!

Life is never boring.


  1. I can do the homemade yogurt but Coconut Refrigerator Cake? Is there a recipe somewhere?

    Love your moody skies.


    1. Hi Darla
      The cake is so easy. Just use a white cake mix and follow package directions. Bake in a 9x13 pan. When completely cooled, mix up the frosting, which consists of a 9-oz. package of frozen coconut, 1 cup granulated sugar, 1 t. vanilla, dash of salt 8 oz. sour cream and 6 oz. Cool Whip (mix all ingredients and fold in Cool Whip last.) It's so good!

  2. It´s an amazing skill to be able to do many things at the same time; something which we women are able to do more successfully than men.
    Are the pictures all taken by you, did you win the contest?

    1. Hi Mette
      Yes, all the pictures are mine. I did get the better pictures this time! So I won the contest!

  3. You have captured the twilight evening skies merging into night we just need a poem..nature offers us so much that we take for granted.

    Who eats the delicious cakes you bake? Ida

    1. Hi Ida
      I'm not much of a poet. Could you do one, please? Yes, afraid we oftentimes take the beauty that surrounds us for granted.
      The great thing about this cake is that it lasts several days in the refrigerator. I usually take part of the cakes to my mother and her daily helper, and I eat my share as well, as does my HB.
      Today, my sister and I had an outing and I took along cake for us as well. Wish I could send you a piece, as it's a very good and easy cake to throw together!

  4. Is that a city in the background of some of those photos? They are so beautiful. I have never succeeded in making yogurt. But I never used a thermometer, so maybe that's a tip for next time!

    1. Hi Beryl
      No, not a city, just the view from my property looking west. It's a heavily wooded area. Yes, I think the thermometer is the key to successful yogurt making. I can never determine liquid temp. by feeling it, as some are able to do!

  5. Ida, I had some of the delicious cake today! My sister is an amazing multi-tasker, we both are, but she wins the prize! The cake was wonderful, the photos great, if you did the photos, you win and if not tell Claus he did great! Take care of our joint owned kittens!!!!!!

    1. Hi Sissy
      I'd say you are more successful with getting tasks completed than I am! I too often leave hanging what doesn't interest me! Yes, the photos are all mine! Thanks for a great outing today!
