Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sunday Scenes

Just a few photos from a quiet Sunday, where there were intermittent clouds, rain and sunshine.

I started the day by being able to photograph a beautiful butterfly stopping by for a visit.

"I wandered lonely as a cloud...." -- William Wordsworth

Strange moss growing at my feet.

Late afternoon shadows

One of my favorite trees -- the Pin Oak

Hydrangeas turned from blue to green . Is that a dog hiding behind?

The dogs think they've found something.

I'm glad I have a Sycamore tree. They remind me of Agatha Christie mysteries, in which the tea table  was laid under its protective shade.

An old fence post; a pond in the distance

Persimmon tree

The driveway leading home

In a French cafe? No, just a backyard spot in North Alabama.

A hobby greenhouse that needs repairs.

The gazebo, where so many pleasant evenings are spent.

It'll be dark soon.


  1. Those are terrific pictures. That's the first persimmon tree I've seen. And your wonderful long drive and the Gazebo both look so peaceful. What do you grow in your greenhouse?

  2. Thanks Beryl! I just love making pictures with my iPhone. Greenhouse used for starting seed in Feb.. and overwintering plants in winter. Heat source is electric heater. It has cracks and will need repairs before use this coming winter.

  3. What great pictures!! Looks like you had a slow, quiet Sunday afternoon. Everything at your place looks so peaceful and like a typical AL summer day. Nice doggies pictures too.

    1. Thanks, Sissy! Indeed it was. All the critters that live here provide excitement enough most of the time!

  4. Nice and indeed, quiet pictures. Somehow, there is a sense of late summer in some of the pictures, or am I just imagining?
    I saw a very similar butterfly over here the other day too, but it was smaller.

    1. Thanks, Mette. I could not agree more with you: the shadows and the feel of things makes it seem that summer is passing, even though it's still July. To me, the end of summer has a sadness associated with it--just a feeling--even though Fall is my favorite season. I haven't seem that many butterflies this year so I was excited to capture a picture of that one!

  5. Love the long lazy Summer Sundays,your photos have captured that atmosphere favourite time of the day when the trees throw the long shadows on the lawns..anyone for croquet?

    We have similar butterflies,Red Admirals we call ours.Ida

    1. Croquet--how very British that is! We had a set when I was little, and I've thought recently we really should get the game. Do you play very much? I've even forgotten the rules. I hope your weather has improved, the rain has stopped, as the Olympics will be starting in London later this week. Will you be attending any of the events?

    2. Today reached 80f beautiful,and again tomorrow...the forecast is rain returning next week.
      We had a game today with friends,I hope later to have a charity party,& charge for a game...if the weather allows.

      The USA is well represented I saw some of them being interviewed on TV last night.
      The Queen opens the games on Friday.Yes I was lucky enough to get tickets for the equestrian/dressage.

      Are you interested in sports? Ida

    3. Great that your weather has improved! Croquet games are something we don't see much of here. I am not so very interested in sports, unlike so many. Exciting that you have tickets for the event! I will look for you in the crowd shots-haha. I will watch some events on TV.

  6. I think ida describes it best: long lazy summer days perfect for sipping ice tea and reading a good whodunit :-)

    1. Hi Ana, I wish I had an iced tea and a good mystery right now. Who is your favorite mystery writer? I'd have to say Agatha Christie is mine, but I'm also crazy about Dorothy Sayers.

    2. Christie's Poirot no doubt :-D He's my hero! I'm also very very fond of Swedish detective Wallander by Henning Mankell

  7. Beautiful photos, and you live in a beautiful area. I love the butterfly pic best - really pretty. There is, as the others say, something wistful about the end of summer and the coming of Fall. Thank you for sharing your lovely Sunday.

  8. Hi Patricia
    For some reason, I really like butterfly pictures; perhaps because I can photograph them (unlike birds, who are too fast!)
