Tuesday, July 24, 2012

To Knit or Not to Knit? That is the Question

It's the middle of summer. The weather is steamy hot and all I want near my skin is cotton or linen, and as little  of that as possible.

So why did I buy yarn -- mohair, wool, alpaca--fabrics associated with cold weather? Yarns for knitting, which by my definition, is a winter activity.

Well, it was beautiful, I loved the colors and the price was good. I stumbled upon the yarn in the Tuesday Morning store a few weeks ago.

But now that I have it, I questioning if I really want to knit this winter? I have done my share of knitting in years gone by. I even was once a retail yarn shop manager in Dunwoody, Ga. At the time, I bought skeins and skeins of yarn -- enough to last a lifetime -- while I was able to buy with a discount. Some I have used, some I gave away, but I still have a large box full of that yarn from 30 years ago.

I have knitted sweaters, vests, afghans, caps and scarves. Oh, have I ever knitted scarves! Because they are the easiest thing to knit, I got on a roll about six years ago and knitted tens upon tens of scarves, mostly in novelty/nubby yarns. In fact, when I wore them, people asked where I bought them. When I told them I knitted them myself, they wanted to buy one. I  sold quite a few of my scarves.

I could knit a scarf in a few hours. I am a fast knitter and the scarves were made in in knit every row (garter stitch) or knit one row, purl next row (stockinette stitch). The nubby yard texture gave it interest and the yarn was often in variegated colors.

But knitting again? It's sort of like a been there, done that type of thing. And yet....the yarn is so beautiful and I did buy it!

Rapunzel, made in Italy: 80% mohair; 15% wool; 5% polyamide. Each skein 50 grams/100 ml; 1.75 oz./110 yds.; 4 stitches equals 1" on #9 needles. I have five skeins, or 250 grams/8.75 oz. Retail price #11.99; I paid $5.99.

This is a soft, luxurious yarn in fuchsia color.

The other yarn is a berry red made by Aslan Trends. Made in Bolivia. It is 100% alpaca. Five stitches per inch on size 6-8 needles. I have three 100 gram balls/10.5 oz. Retail price $15. I paid $6.99.

Do you have suggestions on what I could make with my new yarn? Or should I just pack it away with the remainder of my stash and wait for old age to set in? Maybe I'd have more time to knit then.

Do you knit? Or do any other needle work? 


  1. Beautiful yarn, it would be hard to pass up at that price. I knit a bit, years ago did sweaters but only the occasional scarf these days. I keep saying I'm going to learn to knit socks but never seem to get with it.

    Let us know what you make with your new yarn.


    1. Hi Darla
      Socks have always seemed difficult with the multiple needles; never tried that. Yes, I'll let you know what I make with the yard!

  2. Hello Sanda

    The yarn is beautiful and good quality.

    How about a classic vest, with great buttons?

    Hope your week is special


    PS. A pattern I have used
    Keep first and last ten sts in Irish Moss pattern
    Centre in st.st.

    Centre front retain in Irish Moss.

    Good luck

    1. Hi Helen
      The Irish Moss pattern is a beautiful one. A vest, maybe, or something easier, like a throw or scarf could be what I decide on.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  3. On no! More yarn! It is beautiful and I know you can make something beautiful from it as I have been the recipient of some beautiful scarves. Like you, I have done my share of needlepoint, crochet and tons of cross stitch. Loved it and have some nice pieces but right now I don't think I'll ever do anymore. I found my thing outside in gardening as its more forgiving and doesn't require working with a pattern! Good luck, I know whatever you make will be beautiful or it will be a nice addition to your collection in one of those pretty boxes.

    1. Hi Sissy,
      Yes, so much yard; so little time!
      You have done some really fantastic counted cross stitch pieces. And yes, I think you have found your niche in gardening!

  4. So what I do is called the "garter stitch" - although all I do is purl. (I'm left-handed and haven't been taught to properly "knit". I think those new yarns would make fabulous scarves. I also like the idea of making a throw, as in the wearable kind, for airplane travel. I need something that is part of my outfit and can double as a blanket. I wonder if my local Big Lots has any?

    1. Hi Beryl,
      Yes, I believe that's correct; purling each row would also created the garter stitch. I have always LOVED mohair and I think you are correct: a wearable throw would be quick and easy for me. No shaping; sometimes knitted garments don't fit to my liking. I made a mistake: it was Tuesday Morning where I bought that yarn, not Big Lots! I will go back and correct in the post. The two stores are located in the same shopping area and I sometimes get the two confused. Sorry!

  5. What stunning colours for Autumn,the Burgandy colour is apparently 'the' look this year.

    I have never knitted,we were taught embroidery at school which I enjoyed,and did keep it up for a short while later.

    My MIL knitted & crochet beautiful,just like Miss Marples/Miss Silver she always had her knitting on the go,she would have loved all these new wools/colours.

    I cannot wear wool it is too itchy +I break out in a rash.
    You could maybe make a tunic with side slits,depends what you
    wear. Whatever, will you show us a photo of you modelling it.
    Agree with Beryl about a blanket,or a throw even a pashmina.Ida

    1. I find wool itchy if worn next to my skin; don't own any wool pants or skirts, but I can tolerate wool jackets and sweaters with a blouse underneath. I promise to show a picture when I make something; will probably be a few months in the future, when the weather is cooler!

  6. The fuchsia color is great. I´d suggest a shawl of the yarn - if you really wish to.
    I have trauma based arthritis on so many fingers, that I am ( so glad of it ) not required /able to knit anything.
    I can well hold the shovel and brush in my hands, but anything smaller - no way.
    The sad side is, that the arthritis will get worse, as I age, but I refuse to worry about it just now.
    Were I able to turn time backwards, I´d certainly try to protect my hands and fingers better.
    You are so lucky to have your fingers working!

    1. I'm thinking more that it'll be a shawl, something easy! Sorry about your arthritic fingers; I am bothered slightly with arthritis in some fingers, but it's usually brought on by the weather or overuse of hands/fingers. Yes,I think it better that we don't dwell on whatever bothers us. What will be will be. I sometimes take Ibuprofen when it flares up and it seems to help.
