Monday, August 27, 2012

Golden Moments

It's been a while since I featured our dear dogs, Valerie and Kris.  We do not know their ages, since both are rescued dogs, but based on the veterinarian's estimate of their age when we got them, both are "around six years old."

They are a constant joy in our lives. Below are recent pictures of these members of the family.
Valerie, perhaps the sweetest dog we have ever owned. A real darling who loves to shake hands nuzzle you.

Valerie came to live with us on Valentine Day 2009, a rescue dog from the Tennessee Valley Golden Retriever Association.

Kris joined us Christmas 2009, another rescued Golden. Rescued dogs are the best!

Kris is very sweet as well. He is literally my shadow; takes each step I take. We thought at first that he would "get over it;" that he was afraid he was going to be abandoned again. But as time has passed and he still wants to be with me each second, I believe it's just part of the love he feels.

Our dogs get along so very well. One always wonders if the first dog will accept the second one introduced. That  was not a problem at all. They play and "rough-house" with each other constantly.

Val and Kris patiently waiting to see if any tidbits from the dinner table are forthcoming. Note the Kitty Sox in the background!

Aren't they cute?

Oh no, the meal is almost over. Are we out of luck?

Val licking her chops; a very good pork chop indeed!


  1. Thank you Sanda for this post.
    You know that dogs are dear to me too.
    Your Golden Retrievers fit you well ( your colors, your personality ).
    I do believe, that at least some of us are " searching " for a certain type/ looking dog, if we really want one.
    Some of this happens in the subconscious.
    For me a flat-coated retriever is a perfect match; the dog being extra lively - and me, quite calm by nature.

    1. Always a pleasure showing off the doggies! I do know how much you love dogs, and you have a beautiful one. I owned Cocker Spaniels for years, but when we moved to the country 20 years ago, I wanted a "big" dog; thus began our journey with Golden Retrievers. They are such happy and loyal companions. I had this idea the first one would be an "outside" dog, but soon changed my mind about that. They want constant companionship so being inside near you at all times was the answer. Messy at times, but anything important is worth the extra trouble and work.

  2. Beautiful dogs,their coats match your wood floors,have you always had 2 dogs? Mostly we have had one dog,then we bought a pair 2 male dachshunds brothers as company for each other.

    Think I have mentioned before that I have never had a rescue dog,not sure of their history, and don't care for a mixed breed which most of the rescue dogs are.(Sorry to sound snobbish)

    Good idea to have a special rescue centre for different breeds,is that the case all over the USA?

    As Mette said we know subconsciously what sort of dog we want.
    Those big brown eyes of your 2 touch my soul. They make a home,and become our babies.Ida

  3. We had our first Golden (Tracker), bought from a breeder, about six years before we brought home a second (Rex), a rescue. After they were gone, we got another rescue Valerie)because it seems a good thing to give one of these wonderful pure breed dogs a good home. Then, about a year later, we adopted Kris, yet another rescued dog. We have had such good luck with rescues! They seem in some way so appreciative of their good luck of finding a good home.

    Yes, here each dog breed has it's own rescue association, and the pounds contact them when they find one and the specific rescue org. takes charge of them to find them homes.

    I'm hoping for you to get another dog and am sure it will be a dachshund. We all have our breed preferences, and perhaps it is a subconscious draw to a breed that fits our own personality.

    1. Please pardon me for interfering, but I think that Ida should get herself a Yellow Labrador Retriever. I have already hinted about it. Labradors are so English and gentle by nature, and their coat stays clean all the time!

  4. I love any and all pictures of Kris and Valerie. They look so happy and well cared for. We got two dogs for my son about 5 years ago. They were Morkies that had been very expensive for their first owner, who had to give them up because she was an army officer and got deployed. They had two unsuccessful homes in the 6 weeks after she gave them up, and we picked them up from the last one. (They were barkers that these other homes didn't want to work with.) In about a year, they were fine - but one of them is still clingy whenever his surroundings get changed.
    Same way we got our beautiful flame point Himalayan. It took over 2 years before I could pick up the broom to sweep without her fleeing in terror. And she never stayed in a room with anyone wearing high heels. I actually cried the day she jumped up on the couch and knocked down my husband's golf clubs that he had leaned against the back. I knew she was finally OK, since she just flicked her tail, glared at the clubs on the floor, and sat down and started grooming.

  5. Love Kris and Val so much - they are such sweet and gentle dogs and SO loving. Next to my big Chocolate Lab, Ben, they are my favorite dogs!!! Never thought you'd have another one as sweet as Tracker, but both these are. If I should come back to earth in another form, I'd want to be YOUR dog.
