Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Happy 91st Birthday to Mother

Today, August 8, our mother, Helen, turns 91 years of age. She was born in 1921 and was married to our father in 1940. He died in 2006, on their 66th wedding anniversary.

Our mother still lives in the house she has occupied since 1949 and with a daily helper, and the assistance from my sister and me, is able to maintain a somewhat normal semblance of a full life. Her health has declined—hip and back problems, other maladies – but her mental powers are still quite sharp, at least most of the time.

She has been a good mother and we wish her a very happy birthday!

August 8, 2012

A little birthday cake

Mother in the late 1930s

As children, my sister and I  laughed at this photo because mother and two classmates were posing with their bottled soft drinks.

Mother had a bad habit of writing on photos, so we know this one was made one year after her marriage to our father.

Mother in 1940

Mother and Daddy in the 1970s with their matching coats.

With me, in the 1980s

50th wedding anniversary party, 1990

Early 1990s.This is my sister's favorite family photo of the four of us.

Late 1990s


  1. Your mother looks very content in the first picture. A Happy birthday for her from Finland!
    It is great for her to be able to live in her own home. My MIL needed much more aid at the same age.
    I never knew, that you are a brunette, as your whole family. So how did you turn blond?

    1. HAHA! I have had blonde highlights applied to my hair, on and off, for the past 20 or so years. When I let the natural color grow out I'm never pleased, so I keep going back to blonde. I gave my mother your birthday wish, and she was pleased and honored that someone from Finland is wishing her a Happy Birthday! Thank you!

  2. This is so sweet indeed...happy birthday to your mom...she was beautiful as a young woman and is still beautiful some years later...she still smiles...that is lovely...please send her our birthday wishes...: )

  3. I will be sure and tell her your comment. Thank you!

  4. And a Very Happy Birthday to your dear mother Helen from Australia! She looks lovely, and very bright, in the first photo. The photos are all great - thank you for sharing them. Your Dad looks like Paul Newman in the 1941 pic! I'm sure you all enjoyed that delicious cake. :)

    1. Patricia I read your comment to her. She was pleased! She is pretty amazing. We always thought daddy looked like Spencer Tracy when he was heavier; never considered a resemblance to Paul Newman whe he was young but now that you mention it...yes, a bit!

  5. Just great! Glad you did this. Mother and Daddy were so "good looking" in their young years and remained so as age approached them both. Enjoyed seeing all these old photos.

    1. I read it to mother tonight and showed her the pictures. She remembered the color of the dress she was wearing in the 1941 photo: maroon and the pix made at Lawrenceburg Fair

  6. Happy Birthday to Aunt Helen - one of my very favorite aunts! She's still just as sweet and beautiful as ever. Thank you for the pictures. They bring back wonderful memories. I loved the pix of 4 of you.

    1. I told her, Areeda. Aren't memories the greatest?
