Friday, August 17, 2012

Lu Lu's

I discovered a boutique today in Florence while having a day out with my sister Edith, her friend Becky and her daughter Stacey. Lu Lu’s is located downtown and it’s great to see the area making a comeback after languishing for some years.

Being a college town, many of the shops in downtown cater to younger women, and Lu Lu’s is no exception. However, it was fun to browse through the colorful and trendy items and take note of how pieces were mixed and matched to create appealing displays.

I love the old buildings in downtown Florence.

I liked Lu Lu's window displays! I couldn't decide whether to laugh or cry at this one because it reminded me of the much-desired bicycle I received as a Christmas gift from my husband three years ago. Three days later, I flipped over while riding it and broke my leg and spent the next six weeks in a cast. I have not been on the bicycle since and it's hanging in our garage. Anyone interested in buying a like-new bicycle, ridden only two times?

Two more window displays, above and below.

Looking up Court Street outside Lu Lu's


Costume jewelry galore


Not my style, but pretty.

Definitely for the younger woman. Note the shoes.

The saleslady showing us how to turn a long rectangular scarf into a jacket!

Lots of scarves available.

Stacey, Becky and Edith

1920s fashion? Anyone ready to dance the Charleston?


  1. Hello Sanda

    It looks like a fun day spent with friends. Florence looks like a wonderful place and beautiful fashions too.

    Have a glorious weekend


    1. It is a neat little town in many ways. Lots of history there. Two of the best downtown stores, Rogers and Kreisman's, closed their doors years ago, and we still miss them to this day. It was a fun day, Helen. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I´m so old-fashioned, that I think that younger women should dress in clothes meant for their age. And this shop has a perfect collection of everything young and exciting.
    Leave the Chanel´s for the mature women.
    Naturally it is possible do some quiet mixing between the extremes, if you have competence for it.
    What a great time you must have had!

    1. Hi Mette,
      Hope you are feeling better. We had a great time on our excursion and I must remember the fun and do it more often. The younger women certainly place a lot of "stuff" on their person, but for me, less is better.

  3. It was a wonderful day with sister and friends. It really is a neat old town and where we did all our shopping (though limited to a few times a year) - feels like it did years ago walking down the streets. We went there to buy our Easter dress and things for spring and then again in the fall when we shopped for fall clothes that Mother didn't make.

  4. Can we go back soon? Looking forward to further exploring the knitting yarn shop. Lunch at Riggitoni's next time!

  5. Whoops thought I had missed something and you had gone to Florence,Italy (smiling)
    Hullo Edith,lovely photo of you and your friends.

    Must say I like the design/colour of the taupe top (not the necklace,does not need one)if it is cotton/linen would make a cool top for the house with slim pants.

    Sounds like you all had a grand 'girly'day.Ida

    1. I wish! Have never been to Florence, Italy, but it's on my list of places to visit before I die! I think in shops they try to display as much as they possible can and add jewelry where none is needed. It is a comfortable-looking top, the taupe one.

      Yes, we had a great girly-day!

  6. I enjoy seeing other peoples towns and shops. I too really like the style of the brown/taupe top - but not in brown. Some other color. Thanks for taking us shopping.


  7. Luckily I have a daughter so I can enjoy shopping at places like that. (But she wouldn't use a scarf as a jacket.) She might like the pink dress. Of course, she is about to adopt a more serious mode a dress because of her new job/school.
