Thursday, August 30, 2012

Little Things Mean A Lot

I’m wondering this morning how I can feel so over-the-top about something as simple as clean windows! Both inside and out, they got a thorough cleaning yesterday. Being off work for a few days, Claus has engaged himself in some major projects around the house. Two days ago was a much-needed pruning of shrubbery; yesterday it was pressure-washing the house, porch and windows.

Dining room window overlooking the front porch.

To look out from the inside and have a clear view is exhilarating. It’s amazing how spider webs, bug residue and plant mold can ruin the view. But today the sparkling windows give me a contended feeling. I must be weird, but clean is good!
A bedroom window with a view toward the lower field. (While pruning the Cherry Laurels outside this window, he managed to  inadvertently chop all the way to the ground my beautiful red Camellia bush, thinking it was part of the Cherry Laurel. Oh, I am so hopeful it will come back from the stump. It was actually pretty heartbreaking because it was already full of buds for the display it would have made in February. But I am not one to cry over spilled milk.)

It's funny, though, how getting one thing done seems to call for another. I know the blinds need taking down and scrubbing, but they have been in place for 18 years and really could stand to be replaced. Claus has agreed we should replace and said he would hang them. I have to move fast while he's still in the mood!

Today, he plans to replace a deteriorated wood facing and walk-through door in the car garage. This is another project that will make me happy indeed.

Hopefully, we will receive rain later today from Hurricane Issac as it moves north. Not having to grab the water hose and spray the pots today will be a nice respite.  How am I going to handle all this happiness?

What about you? What little things make you happy?


  1. I love it when things are clean and shiny! I get so proud of myself when I finish. Probably the only thing I know about pruning is that your Camellia bush will be OK. It's not the best time of year to prune it, but they bounce back very well. My mother would say that they are actually better after such a pruning. Sad to miss this year, as a bush covered with Red Camellias is a wonderful sight.

    1. Thanks for the reassurance about my Camellia. If it does survive I suspect it will be a few years before it blooms again.

  2. Mine are in need of Mr C's pressure washer,full of dust from the fields....I am waiting until they harvest the 2 fields either side of the barn.
    Am with you about clean windows,nothing in the house feels clean when the widows are grimey!

    Have never thought of using a pressure washer on windows,still you have to wipe them down afterwards.Love sparkling ones but hate cleaning them.Ida

    1. The pressure washer has an attachment for windows and we use a special cleaning solution added with the water that prevents streaking or the need to wipe off. Hopefully you will get yours cleaned soon.

  3. Our place needs exactly the same thing you have already done.
    Only I have to wait for about 2 years to get my hb to do anything domestic (;
    Clean windows, heavenly.
    Oh, and how thrilled I always am having done a thorough rubbing of the floors.
    I´ve written earlier, that both up- and downstairs floors are badly in need of more than just a wipe.
    However, having someone come over to do the job properly is so expensive.
    And, living at the countryside = in/ out / in / out with or without shoes, the shine sadly will last only for a short time.
    Maybe next year? ; )

    1. My floors, like your, are in need of a major redo, sanding staining and finishing. Certainly a major task and expensive. Living in the country and with dogs does present a specia
      Challenge to keeping floors in good shape.

  4. Clean is great! We did our windows in June and I felt like a new person. I also like things around me neat and tidy. If things are in disarray then my brain is in disarry. Suppose we're cut from the same cloth / die-lot?

    1. I agree that I feel out sorts if everything is not neat and tidy. You are a great housekeeper!
