Monday, September 3, 2012

More Mushrooms

We have had quite a bit of rain the past several days, which is always a good thing after a hot and mostly dry summer. 

The damp and rainy weather brings a new crop of interesting mushrooms. I say interesting because, despite the fact of my love of nature, I have never paid that much attention to mushrooms until lately and have photographed and posted pictures of them on occasions during the past months.

I never realized there were so many kinds. I have threatened to buy a field guide on mushrooms to identify and learn more about each variety, but alas, have not done so yet.

However, I have a new mushroom variety to share. I believe this must be the most amazing one I have yet seen. I very much would like to know more about it. Actually, I made this picture several weeks ago and am just now getting around to featuring it on this page. I watched it daily, and it stayed “pretty” for more than a week.

I think it is absolutely stunning; have never seen anything quite like it. Looks good enough to eat, doesn’t it? NOT!! I would never eat a mushroom I found growing in the wild. I know some are supposed to be safe, but who can ever be absolutely sure?

But this one is definitely eye candy! What do you think?


  1. That is such a beautiful plant and your pictures are terrific. I agree about not eating wild mushrooms and extend that to almost all wild stuff. Wild berries are scary. Maybe Fiddlehead Ferns are OK, but then, nothing poisonous looks like a Fiddlehead.

    1. I saw it and couldn't believe my eyes. So big and colorful. Almost like a flower. I have never eaten a Fiddlehead Fern but have heard they are delicious.

  2. Eye candy indeed - I have never seen anything like this, except coral under the sea. And I certainly would not want to eat it, although when I was a child we often had a meal of field mushrooms collected by my Dad. As he was quite the bushman he was confident which were safe to eat.

    1. It actually does look like coral; hadn't thought of that. Do you remember how the wild mushrooms tasted? similar to the "normal" ones?

  3. This is so beautiful - when I first saw the picture, thought it was a hydrangea blossom dried in glycerin - same color! Your pictures are GREAT!

    1. Yes, same color. And doesn't the color of that mushroom match the background color of my Halcyon Days page perfectly? :)) (Didn't think of that until now)

  4. We get a lot of swamps from our forests.
    As a child, I remember how fun it was to pick up them, as the basket was quickly full.
    They were all cleaned outside, stored and used during the winter months.
    Nowadays, people over here are seriously warned not to pick the poisonous ones, as there are lots of them.
    Feeling so unsure now to pick anything growing wild.
    Just wondering - how come people did not get sick or worse die in the olden days, as they ate every swamp ; )?

  5. Oh my god - naturally I meant mushrooms, not swamps, hello - is dementia calling me?

    1. HAHA; too funny; fortunately I didn't see your first comment before the second so was not confused. Oh don't worry about dementia; we all do that from time to time!

      I have heard the poisonous mushrooms will kill one fairly quickly, so the people who picked and ate them in olden days were just lucky, I suppose, that they never ate the poisonous ones. Do truffles grow in Finland?

    2. As you probably know, Finland is a two- language country. Finnish and Swedish.
      Mushroom in Swedish is SVAMP, I guess I got my languages mixed, lol.

    3. Mette,they call that having 'A senior moment' over here,sadly have a few myself!! Ida

    4. Mette and Ida: You are both way too young for having a senior moment. It's called "information overload" and I like that term better!

      Mette: how lucky you are to know so many languages. I really admire someone who speaks more than their native language.

  6. I love mushrooms on toast,or in an omelette yummie.

    About 3 months ago we had a case of a woman dying from eating poisonous mushrooms she had picked in a field,not worth the risk.

    Your last photo would look great blown up as a poster.Ida

    1. Mushrooms are my HB favorite side with any meat. I prefer fresh ones but have very good luck with the canned ones as well. Mushroom omelette yummy; I agree! Hmm, maybe I could have a poster made; have also been thinking of making notecards from my flower photos.

  7. I love mushrooms too and always fear the wrong poisonous one...the mushroom lady at our market does an incredible business...Wishing you a lovely september sanda

    1. And a lovely September to you as well! Hope your CBs are doing well this week.
