Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Autumn Displays in a Small Town

I mentioned in a previous post, Getting Ready for Halloween, that I would be  watching for further Halloween decorations and post what I found. 

I've been looking on each roadway and street I travel and I can report to you -- with Halloween less than a week away -- that the over-the-top decorations of past years at houses are almost nonexistent this year. 

It would seem, though, that what’s lacking in decorations on the exterior of homes is being made up by the merchants in the town nearest me. Whether you call them Halloween, autumn or fall displays, here’s what you see if you drive down the main business street – ahem, make that the ONLY one – in Rogersville.

Corn stalks, pumpkins and mums.

What a cute idea -- a jack-o-lantern face cut-out on the back of a metal chair!

Mr. Jack-O-Lantern.

Pumpkins and hay on a cart.

A lovely lady!

Even the miniature pumpkins nestled among the flowers are gussied up.

Mr. Punkin' Head

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A mother headed for the antique shops. Note the unhappy child at her side. See the photo below for the note on his back.

Oops. Almost didn't capture all of the sign. It reads: Don't hate me because I'm boo-tiful. This little lady sits outside a cosmetic shop.

Ornamental gourds highlight this display.

Such creativity!

Even the lingering plants of summer get a pumpkin to make them seasonal!

I've never bought a green or white pumpkin. Have you?

And finally,  a nod is given to the local high school football team. Isn't he cute with his clay pot body?

Are you seeing seasonal decorations in yards or towns/villages near you? I think they are so bright and cheerful with their gold, orange, rust, yellow, red and brown colors!


  1. Lots of fun photos Sanda. I love the Halloween theming. The green pumpkin looks like my favourite - we call it Queensland Blue here. We went to a scarecrow festival last weekend, but can't blog it until my new computer arrives! I think the fun American way of Fall decorating is starting to catch on in Aus.

  2. I would like to try the green/blue pumpkin. Does it taste the same as the orange ones? Looking forward to seeing your scarecrow festival photos. I know you must feel lost without your computer; I certainly would!

    1. It's been a while since I tasted an American pumpking, but I think the taste is much the same. Close enough to make no difference to recipes anyway. There are other pumpkins available here, but I like the blue one best of all.

  3. Great, colorful photos. So cheerful. I can't believe our little hometown has gone all out for the decorations. I love the fall colors with all the beautiful colored leaves. A beautiful sight if it wasn't a sign winter follows.

  4. They really went all out, didn't they? We do need this splash of color before the dreariness of winter!

  5. The idea of concentrating the decoration in one street in your near-by town, gets my approval.
    This way, it is a treat for everyone, and as the shop owners pay for the decorating, you save your own money.
    It also gathers people to the town´s center, cheering up the business in the shops, I´d assume.
    Luckily we have about zero Halloween decoration over here. I believe it should be a US thing only; your speciality.
    Sadly, I see already a few Xmas lights lit, and the stores are starting to fill their shelves with Xmas decorations.
    I´m only planning to buy my red amaryllis ( soon ) and a big bunch of red tulips - closer to the date 24/12.

    1. Good points, Mette.

      I am beginning to see Christmas displays here as well.Ugh. And folks are already beginning to shop for gifts as well.

      Can we please just wait awhile before thinking about Christmas?

  6. Thank you for a happy smiley start to a grey dreary Thursday UK.

    Beautiful sunny photos,love the mother and child one.

    No signs of Halloween here in our town,as Mette said the big stores are filling up with Christmas goods.Ida

    1. Hope your weather improves soon, Ida.

      I liked the mother and child one as well!

      You haven't missed anything by not seeing signs of Halloween!

  7. Enjoyed seeing your town's decorations. I think the chair with the cut out to make a pumpkin face is very clever. I haven't noticed much decorating here although our neighbors with two small daughters have decorated a small part of their yard.


    1. Will you get trick-or-treaters? We don't get them because we are too far out into the countryside.

  8. Sanda, enjoyed the pictures of our wonderful little town . I was wanting to make pictures when I was there couple days ago, but forgot my camera..
    Love the way the new merchants in town have been decorating the past few years, very festive.
    Great story and pictures..

    1. Thanks, Darry; glad you enjoyed the pictures. Are you enjoying your new camera? The decorations we see now are a far cry from the old days, aren't they?
