Friday, October 19, 2012

French Hair Cut Part Deux

A couple of months ago I posted about the French Hair Cut. It was something new to me and after learning more about it, I decided to take the plunge. So today I visited the DanTera Aveda Salon and viola! here it is:

I mentioned in the previous post that I was somewhat skeptical -- that perhaps it was "much ado about nothing," although the photos I found on the web appealed to me.

The claim is that the French Hair Cut is a "revolutionary technique that uses the hair to frame the face, using it to accentuate features rather than cover them up. Hair is cut on an angle to make it fall more attractively around the face. The results are a soft and commercial (whatever than means. :)  look. The stylist stands the client up during the haircut in order to look directly at that which he or she cuts, just as a painter would look directly at a canvas. The style is built from the top down and is made to fall perfectly into place like shingles on a roof. French haircuts result in wash and wear hair with different looks in each style."

OK, that's the hype. Here's how it went with me:

The stylist had me stand while she cut around the bottom of my hair. But for the remainder of the cut I sat in the chair while she pulled selected sections straight up and cut them and yes, cut them on an angle. It went pretty quick; I didn't have any of the length taken off, just about 1/4 inch cut to remove any split ends.

So, does my new cut look "revolutionary?" I think not. I don't think she added enough layers around the face. But I do like the way the back and the each side around the bottom looks.

The web image below is what I thought I'd end up with -- a true "French Hair Cut":

Maybe I can try gel to scrunch it up a bit to get the look I'm striving for?

The stylist said I should call and come back if I'm not altogether happy with the cut. Perhaps I'll return and have her add more layers around my face.

The thing I do like is the cut will give me a somewhat "messy look," which I like, and a welcome change from the traditional bob cut I've worn so many years. Could be I won't even bother to blow dry after shampooing.

Is the hair cut above better than the one I had September 22 (photos below)? 

If I ultimately decide this new cut is not for me, I have to remember this is "just a haircut." It'll grow out. I can always go back to my signature style in a few months. 

I wrote this yesterday and today, using Redken Rewind 06 styling paste, achieved these results:

Made these pictures myself, no easy feat! 

So I'm thinking, it's not altogether about the cut; it's about what effort you put into making it work. I like it much better today and may not have to get more layers cut after all.

Hope this post will be instructive for anyone wanting to try the French Hair Cut. And have a great weekend!


  1. Thank you for this post Sanda. I asked my stylist about French haircuts and he had not heard of them, he thought it would be sort of layered and I think it is but the way you describe it done makes sense..I suppose they make it work for your face individually. I personally like messy hair cuts and my hair is usually messy but that irritates my friends a lot : )

    I like both of your hair cuts...though a lot alike they are quite different too. I think with the french hair cut one can wear more trendy clothes..the other is more classic pretty. Just my opinion. The most important person who should like it is you. Does it make you feel wonderful? I think it does. : )

    1. I agree that the French Hair Cut is more modern looking. But nothing wrong with sticking with the classic style either. The bob never goes out of style. I think I do like it, at least for now, but I'll withhold judgement until I wash and style it myself from scratch.

      Thanks for your input!

  2. I agree with MrsLJ., your hair, your decision.
    Personally I like a straight cut, and my hair decides how it will behave after that.
    A layered cut would not work for me.
    Of your pictures, the original and the day after " look " are to my liking.

    1. I've previously tried to stay away from layers in the past, but since I've grown my hair longer it's so heavy and boring looking; plus, I felt it "dragged" my face down. This will be good for a change.

  3. I definitely like the new layered cut on you. In my opinion it looks more modern and flattering

  4. Thanks! I think it's more up to date, too. What would we do if we didn't have our hair to fret about. I sometimes feel so guilty focusing on hair as much as I do, in light of all those brave women who face chemo and have other things to worry about. I slap myself back when I get to thinking about that.

  5. First off, wow how did your hair grow so quickly from the original photo? I had my hair cut today a small chip off the ends,as I want to grow it another 2".

    BTW I prefer the original cut,but as the other's said your hair,what makes you feel great.

    You have the type of hair that you can experiment with,mine has a will of its own,layers would turn into curls/waves having it all one length helps to pull it straighter,and I like to pull it back also.

    The colour,length and condition is superb,who took the photos? Ida

    1. My hair grows pretty fast. I don't do very much experimenting with my hair; this is the first departure I've had from the bob in a long time. Mine has no natural curl so relatively easy to keep it straight and smooth. I have grown mine longer so I can pull it back, which for me is important, especially during the summer.

      The first three pictures were taken by the stylist who cut my hair. The second three, taken after my previous hair cut, were taken by my HB.

      And the last ones, taken today after I made the spikey pieces, were taken by me with my phone. First time I've ever tried that, and it took a few times before I got the hang of it!

  6. Hello Sanda

    I love your new look. You have beautiful thick hair and many styles would suit you.

    Enjoy your weekend


    1. Thanks, Helen. I do believe I will enjoy the new cut.

      Great weekend to you as well!

  7. I like both hairstyles. It is always fun to have a new hairstyle isn't it? I'm in the middle of growing out a very short many layered cut. Some days it looks ok but others days I start looking around for a hat, LOL!


    1. Great fun; that is, unless you get a bad one and I've had a few of those! Thanks, Darla.

  8. Hello Sanda,

    First let me say, I love the French Cut! I think it looks beautiful on you. I love the layers!

    Second, thank you for coming to comment today! I cannot wait to find your pumpkin bread and to try it.

    Have a wonderful day, Elizabeth

    1. Thank you! And I'm so happy you visited my blog. I checked yours out today and you have a BEAUTIFUL blog. I'll be back! I hope you will enjoy trying out the pumpkin bread recipe. Your recipes using pumpkin sound marvelous.
      Hope your weekend is great!

  9. Love the new haircut - can't wait to see it. But then - your hair always looks great! The big question - which way is the easiest. It looks wonderful! So glad to have my computer back!

  10. SO GLAD you are home again. Missed you! Great news that your computer is back as well. To your question, I think this way is easier because with smooth bob I had to work with dryer and round brush to get it smooth. But this cut I just scrunch and go!
