Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What's In Your Handbag?

People who know me know that I love handbags – large ones. There’s a good reason I prefer big bags: I haul around lots of “stuff.” Friends often ask me if they can “lift” it, just so they can kid me about how heavy it is.

I’m warned by some that I’ll damage my shoulder or back by hoisting such a heavy weight on my shoulder. I know this is true and realize it could cause a problem, so I reassess, rearrange and downsize the contents….for a while… but before I know it it’s back to its normal weight.

I just tell them that I'm prepared to live a week out of my bag. Not completely true, but close.

Out of curiosity, I removed the contents and weighed them on my kitchen scales: 4 pounds. The handbag itself weighs 2.5 lbs, for a total of 6.5 lbs. That’s heavy!

But where do I begin to lighten the load? It seems I NEED, or will potentially need, everything I take around with me. For instance: 

These items definitely are necessities: Wallet, sunglasses in case, checkbook, address book, notepad and pen. The cute little notepad serves many purposes: shopping lists, a place to jot down information during phone conversations, ideas for future blogs or something I want to research, notes to myself about anything that pops into my head.

The cosmetic case: Compact, nail file, hand cream, eye drops, lip pencil, lipstick(s),lip gloss, comb and hair pick. I need all of this!

Into another little bag I have hand sanitizer  mouthwash, pain reliever, tissues and  purse size spray scent. I never know when I'll need one of these!

A Swiss Army knife and flashlight are invaluable additions to my handbag. The knife has a scissors handy for so many things; the flashlight lights darkened keyholes and  crevices in the car my "stuff" may have fallen into! 

My little red Moleskin book  holds  permanent notes; it moves back and forth from my desk to my handbag. Within are birthdays, passwords, inspiration notes, bank account information, books and movies to investigate, titles of music to listen to, products I want to try and meaningful information I copied down and can review from time to time. 

Here's an example of things I write in my little book.
Also, if I'm to be away from the house for several hours you might also find in my bag a bottle of water, a few nuts, an apple or crackers (my rationale being I don't want to be tempted/forced to eat something unhealthy if a hunger pang strikes while I'm out).

So where do I begin to lighten the weight? I need all of the above items.

When I was still traveling to work each day, there was yet another bag within my bag that I have now removed. It contained  over-the-counter meds that might be need during my absence from home; a mini-sewing kit; band aids, cough drops, sun block. So I'm rather proud of myself that I have removed this weight from my handbag!

What about you? What's in your handbag? Am I just extreme in my wanting to have everything with me? Or are you like me and want to be prepared for any contingency.


  1. Hello Sanda

    You are well prepared and organized. Like you, I am often away from home for long period of time and I always bring water and an apple - lipstick, moisturizer, sketch book, note book and sometimes a small watercolour kit. As I walk everywhere, I keep an umbrella in my bag too, useful in both hot and rainy climates.

    I did find a lighter weight purse which helps.

    Helen xx

    1. The umbrella is a wise addition. I keep one in my car but sometimes add it to my bag as well. I know the handbag pictured is heavier than most but I seem to choose it for taking along more often than I choose the others. The sketch book is an absolutely necessity for you!

  2. It shows how much I like your blog, that I went right over and dumped out my purse to figure out what I carried around. I have all manner of cards, (except credit, which I don't like) - library, museum membership, YMCA, driver's license, etc, $1 bill, camera, phone, pen, tiny French folding scissors in their leather case (these are wonderfully strong and sharp), and lipstick. And, because I wear my swimsuit under my clothes when I go to water aerobic in the morning, spare underwear. For longer treks, I tuck this smallish purse into a tote which has my Nook in it.
    Love your red book!

    1. Your handbag contents are interesting, given the underwear addition! Oh, and I forgot to even mention that my bag also contains my cell phone and key ring, and often my Kindle if I know I'm going to be stuck waiting for a period of time! Thanks for emptying your bag and sharing its contents!

  3. I find that if I have a big handbag I fill it up. I try to edit the contents and then as days go by things creep back in. Don't you wonder how men manage with only pockets?


    1. Sis, you are known for your big pocketbook and the contents thereof. I like being with you for lots of reasons but one is that you always have what is needed when away from the house! Just be careful and don't injure that shoulder!

    2. Darla, I do wonder how men manage!

      Sissy, your bag is fairly large, but I suppose mine does top yours for having everything within. Don't want to go through a shoulder surgery (again) so I'm trying to edit the contents!

  4. Just a thought,I never carry house keys,bank or address details in my bag in case of theft.

    BTW, when shopping I use a small leather cross body bag as I like my hands to be free,it holds lipstick,wallet with debit card,charity cash in slot,cash for coffee/small items.pen/small notebook.Glasses on top of my head when not used.

    As a rural dweller I have to drive everywhere so keep other items in my car.Ida

    1. Hello Ida, yours is a wise policy not to take along those personal details, but for me I must take my keys.

      You have successfully pared down your bag contents to a manageable level.

  5. I am your complete opposite. My first choice when leaving the house with a friend is to take no purse at all. If I am on my own I take the smallest bag possible. All I need is one that will hold my car keys, cell phone,debit card, and my drivers liscense. That's it. Ready to go. If I need water there are fountains around. If I think I will get hungry I take a little baggie of almonds. Now, for the admission part. I count on people like you to be around as well. So if I need to I ask, excuse me do you have a pencil I could borrow, or a safety pin, etc. I cannot tell you how much I adore people like you who are always PREPARED. My mother was like you and so is my daughter. Wherever we go I say, do you have an extra......and she will say MOM.....

    1. How freeing it must feel to have such a lightweight bag. But I'm glad that you have your mom and daughter to depend upon to provide the needed supplies! (haha) The thing about being prepared, however, is that you have everything EXCEPT the one thing you needed!

  6. OH! You have inspired me to do a blog post like this! Thank you. I feel the same way about "needing" all of the items in my purse. I've tried to lighten the load too but feel lost when I do. I'll have to do a post like this now. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Hi Carol,
      Thanks for stopping by. I will look forward to seeing your post on the subject. Always fun to look inside other people's handbags!

  7. Sorry for my late entrance. This is a delicious post.
    WOW. You sure carry a lot of must things along!
    Agreed, I like big bags myself, being tall a small one would look funny.
    In my bag I have my wallet, my cellphone, the Moleskine weekly diary, a pen, a bag hook, a foldable light bag, 3 pieces of cosmetics, a small brush, seasonally an umbrella, and occasionally my digi camera.
    That´s it.
    Btw, do you still write checks in the States?

  8. Most all transactions are done with debit cards. I do maintain a checkbook just in case. For instance, my doctor's office has no option for paying with a debit card so I have to write a check to pay for my insurance co-payment. You seem to have a reasonable amount of items in your handbag, so not so heavy! I was able to remove a few items and leave them in the car today as I went about my chores in town and knew I wouldn't have need for some of the items in my bag as I went about my activities. Becoming aware of the strain on my shoulder/arm!!

  9. My girlfriend treats her handbag as a treasure chest. All of her valuable possessions are kept in one bag that buying a handbag insurance has already been put into consideration! LOL! Other than that, all her credit cards are also kept in one handbag. =)
