Friday, November 30, 2012

Bringing Nature Inside for Christmas

As my cleaning chores are coming to an end, I am beginning to think about dragging out a few Christmas decorations. But the thought of sorting through the boxes, deciding what to use, hefting the boxes up from the basement, unwrapping them, and finally finding a spot for them depresses me.

So I think my nod to the holidays in the category of decorations is going to be cutting and snipping greenery from nature and bringing it inside for simple displays.

I tried out this combination today. Boxwood and dwarf nandina look extremely Christmas-y to me! Love the red of the nandina. These cuttings are in water but I don't know how long they'll last. In all likelihood I'll have to replace with fresh cuttings nearer to Christmas.

I really like the effect of the natural plant material displayed in a Blue Delft bowl, which belonged to my husband's grandmother The bowl matches the Delft candlesticks I bought during a trip to the Netherlands in the 1980s. The blue candles will be replaced by silver or white ones the next time I go shopping.

I tried out nandina clippings around a fat candle in the kitchen. These won't last long without water (but maybe they keep their color when dried? I don't know; I have never used the plant this way!). I think I would like a red candle instead of green.

As I gradually add a few more things in the way of decorations, I will post them here. I have other things in mind but I definitely do not want to go overboard.

And after the holidays, I can simply toss them out. No repacking boxes. Yeah!


  1. I´m all for a simple Xmas deco.
    But - while you are on the clearing mood, why not sort out the Xmas stuff too, however boring it might be.
    Be bold, throw out the junk and save only the ones you really, really wish to save.
    Do the Feng Shui and feel free.
    I have all my yearly decorations in one drawer within easy access, and believe me - life is so simple ( the deco part of it ).

    1. Hello Mette,
      Now that I'm on a "roll," clearing out excess Christmas items is on my list of things to do! I have just finished reading "Clearing out the Clutter," which I'll have more to say about in a future post, and the book has re-inspired me!

      One drawer! Wow, you've really got it down to the basics.

  2. Our decorating is minimumal and mostly involves the kitchen/dining area. Special table cloths, set of red glass dishes, different center pieces. I like your idea of bringing nature inside, not familiar with Nandina but it is pretty.


    1. Hi Darla,
      The older we get, the less bling we like for holiday decorations I believe. Like you, I like the special things for the kitchen. Food, family, music are what make it special.

  3. Well, I always vote for not depressing yourself unnecessarily, so why not leave the boxes this year? It's not like you have little kids who prefer the lights and and wreaths. You're doing nicely with the greens and getting new candles. Your house looks wonderful!

  4. Hi Beryl,
    I plan to place fairy lights on the mantle and DR sideboard, but I like to call them my "winter lights." They cheer me during the long nights of winter. For the past several years, I've also strung them on the gazebo and I may do that this year as well. I do believe the decorations on the tree will be minimal; no dragging out all the old ornaments.
