Monday, November 5, 2012

The Birds

Remember the 1963 suspense/horror film, The Birds?


I was reminded of the movie this morning while walking outside, when I heard the harsh and discordant sound of birds. Looking up, there were hundreds passing across the sky above my house.

They flew into the trees and then many more soon arrived. They created such a flutter that leaves began falling below where the birds perched.

The sound was almost deafening. Eerie.

I suppose this happens when the weather changes. Are they migratory birds arriving here from colder climates? Perhaps.

I tried my best to get a photo with many birds flying overhead, but did not have very good luck. However, I’ll share a few I was able to shoot:

Almost as soon as they had arrived, they were gone. Their cacophonous sound was not pleasant and I dared not walk under the trees while they were perched there!

By the way, if you haven’t seen the movie, check it out. I love Alfred Hitchcock movies. The Birds is loosely based on a 1952 Daphne du Maurier (Rebecca author) story. It tells the story about a California town which is suddenly and for unexplained reasons the subject of a series of widespread and violent bird attacks.

Are you an Alfred Hitchcock movie fan? If so, which one is your favorite?


  1. Yes, I do remember The Birds, quite an eerie movie. Your photos do give a sense of your experience which would have been a bit disconcerting. I suppose the birds were on a migration flight. Hitchcock made some good films; I like the Grace Kelly ones, and Vertigo is also very good.

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I think Vertigo was my favorite, but like you, loved the Grace Kelly ones as well, especially Rear Window. I just loved all of the Hitchcock movies. The Birds was very scary for me and each time I hear or see large flocks of birds I think of that movie.

  2. My favourite is North by Northwest,I remember seeing Psycho,that film scared me witless for a couple of nights was convinced Norman Bates was creeping up the stairs!!!

    We have had Geese honking overhead on their way to Canada.
    Our rooks & crows are very noisy as they circle round.
    We have had seagulls in the newly ploughed fields eating the seeds.

    I note the robin has returned to the garden.Ida

    1. No one could do suspense/thrillers like Hitchcock. Eva Marie Saint was so beautiful in North by Northwest. And Cary Grant....ah, what an actor.

      The rook is a bird we don't see in my area, except on the playing cards, which was so enjoyed during our youth!

      The robins must be year-round for you? They are here as well.

  3. Your birds would have made me think of Hitchcock as well. The town, Bodega, where the movie was filmed is not all that far away and we have visited a few times. It is inland a bit from the town of Bodega Bay where we like to have dinner at the Inn at the Tides.

    Agree with Ida that Psycho was frightening. To this day I think of it if I am taking a shower in the house alone.


    1. Hi Darla,
      I read somewhere years ago that The Birds was filmed with only a few trained birds; don't know if this is true or not.

      When watching a scary movie, I try to remember there are tons of people--camera operators, directors, etc.--behind the action but that doesn't always keep me from being scared!

  4. When I was in college one of the classes I took was a study of various film directors and Hitchcock was one. I had seen Psycho and scared me sooooo bad for years after. I am not a fan of mysteries or murder but Hitchcock does it soooo well it is impossible not to like. My other two faves Strangers On A Train, and The Lady Vanishes. Oh, and Rear Window my all time favorite!!!!!! Now days I would never even experiment going to a movie that was about murder of any kind no matter how well done so why do I like those so much??? Other than he was a master of suspense and did it with some kind of sensitivity????

    1. I suppose it's because Hitchcock had such a special way of presenting scary stuff, as you mentioned.

      I can't offhand remember The Lady Vanishes; might have to seek that one out.

      Norman Bates was some weird movie character!

  5. Since last week was Halloween, I had a few conversations about horror movies with people who are really into them. They all agreed that The Birds was the scariest movie of all times. No special effects, just actual birds - something you can actually imagine happening. Pretty funny that you bring it up just when I'm thinking of it.
    I don't remember the name of it, but a very early Hitchcock film about a couple who are rescued at sea by a Chinese? ship is really creepy. I've never seen Psycho, but enjoyed all his other movies.

    1. What a coincidence indeed! As a rule, I'm not into horror movies, except the old classics.

      You really should see Psycho. You could cover your eyes during the shower scene!

  6. I´m scared if a small bird flies in to the house through an open window. Oddly, they don´t scare me at the stable.
    The movie Birds, seen as an adult, seemed actually a bit childish ( sorry ).
    A question, a movie, which was really scaring ( an older one ) starring Mia Farrow as a blind young woman alone with someone after her - now THAT was exciting. Does anyone remember the movie´s name ? No birds involved.

  7. Was it See no Evil? where all her family had been murdered by a stalker,the way she ran about the house with her hands out,staring eyes....Mia Farrow was brilliant in the role.Ida

    1. Yes, I think that was it, Ida. Thanks!! And then there was Wait Until Dark with Audrey Hepburn. She was a blind woman and thieves thought she was hiding something valuable inside a doll and they were terrifying her.
