Saturday, December 22, 2012

Christmas Dogs

Our Goldens are acting like anxious children waiting for Santa Claus.  They have been so rambunctious all week long -- following me, watching me, getting in my way with each step I take.

They were finally cooperative in allowing me to photograph them wearing the reindeer antlers I purchased several years ago.
Kris, posing for the camera

Valerie became embarrassed, it seemed, and just lay down on the floor and closed her eyes!

She looks so goofy with her long tooth hanging out of her mouth!

Maybe it's the cold weather that energizes them. They so enjoy each other's company and do their little "horsing around" throughout the day.

Yesterday I bought their Christmas present, a large rawhide bone for each. But because they were so playful and noisy last night, I decided to give them their bones in order to settle them down.

There's a ritual they go through whenever I buy them rawhide. Kris will not take his bone, but instead waits for Val to take one, chew it into two pieces and soften it up. At that point, he grabs a piece and begins his entertainment. After awhile, he goes to the door with the bone, wants to be let outside and promptly finds a place to bury it. THEN, he comes back inside and tries to steal Val's half! Such a naughty boy!

 I have watched him, however, when he buries it and promptly recover it. I bring it inside, wash it off and reintroduce that piece into the mix.

This morning, one bone is still untouched. Kris is waiting for Val to "prepare" it for him. I'm not sure which dog had the privilege of devouring the remainder of the chewed bone; was likely a joint effort, as they tend to "switch off" the chewing/gnawing.

Val takes the new bone and asks to be let outside, safely away from Kris.

Kris pouts, waiting for Val to return with a portion of the bone, knowing it's "ready" for him and the game begins anew.

Our dogs!
Constant entertainment!


  1. Lovely to see your dogs and read your post about them. So neither of them will growl, if the other tries to take the other one´s bone?
    When we had two dogs, they hold on to their own bone, and the bones were " done " quite fast.
    Now with only Morty, he chews on one for long periods.
    He mostly likes carrying the NY taxi in his mouth.

    1. Occasionally Val will growl when Kris tries to take it, but not often. She is very good-natured. Kris never growls at Val. The two seem to absolutely adore each other. They do go through the rawhide fast. Neither of them like toys. They just play with each other, mouthing each other and jumping around. They are quite energetic! Never a dull moment.

  2. Oh you had to know how much I would LOVE this!!! Sigh. Our Goldens. They really are comedians, aren't they? And we wouldn't have it any other way!!!

    Joyeuses Fêtes!

    1. Always entertaining! And it's so easy to spoil them because they're so darn cute. Val and Kris send holiday wishes to Ben.

  3. Oh your dogs are gorgeous and funny Sanda! We also have a pair of those reindeer ears which we used for our late departed silky terrier at Christmas. They look so cute wearing them!

    1. Thank you! I tried for the longest time to get those antlers on the dogs before I could get a picture. I should check to see if they are available for the cats as well!

  4. Thanks for the entertaining story of Valerie and Kris and their antics. I just love hearing about them!

    1. The dogs will be so pleased to know they are "showing off" for an audience. Their personalities are so cute!

  5. Beautiful photos of your dogs,they look so happy maybe they are looking forward to Christmas day.Ida

    1. I think they are happy: don't have to work, pay bills, cook, clean; get to sleep, eat and be the center of attention. What a life!

  6. I need to get a Golden for Christmas...

    1. Two's the limit! We can only deal with eight paws to dry when it's raining.

  7. Those dogs are something else!! Enjoyed seeing them yesterday - they truly are entertaining and I love them both.

    1. They do love their Aunt Sissy! I'm sure you went home with dog hair all over your clothes.

  8. They look so happy together. A dear friend is getting a Golden in the spring - as soon as the puppy is born and weaned. I can't wait to be the "Auntie".


    1. That's exciting! They are such kind and loving dogs. But then I've never met a dog I didn't like. Having two is nice because they entertain each other.
