Sunday, December 9, 2012

Tell Me a Christmas Story

I thought it might be fun to share one of our favorite stories about a past Christmas. Something that amazed or inspired you; something funny or amusing; a story that made some sort of impression on you.

It doesn’t have to be anything elaborate or long. Perhaps just an incident you’d care to share here.  Maybe you think no one else would be interested in hearing your story, but I believe all stories are worth telling!

(All images below via Pinterest)

Actually, I have so many I could share that I’m having great difficulty deciding which one, because I'll write one her on my next post.

I could tell you the one about my two aunts who had an ongoing competition each year for who could bake the best fresh coconut cake for the family gathering on Christmas Eve.

Or I might tell you about the uncle who showed up at our house each Christmas morning to watch my sister and me open our Christmas gifts and afterwards sing his own rendition of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer – this after he insisted that my mother make him eggnog (at that early morning hour) to which he added a nip from the bottle in his pocket.

Or I could tell you about the first and most beautiful tree I remember from my youth – that soaring evergreen at the home of the town doctor.

Or about the cousin who came at Christmas to stay a week when I was about seven years old and ate up all of my favorite foods – the chicken salad, ham and the Martha Washington candy.

Or my first Christmas with my new husband and his two children, then 8 and 11 years old, and the excitement that revolved around the first time I’d had children in my life at Christmastime.

Or how about the gifts brought home from the school class gift exchange – always the predictable box of handkerchiefs, a box of candied cherries or a bottle of Blue Waltz perfume, which my mother made me immediately throw out.

Or the year the electricity went out on Christmas morning and we made breakfast on the grill and had one of the most memorable Christmas meals ever.

So please, share one of your memories here, and meanwhile, I’m deciding which story I’ll tell in my next post.

Have a good week!


  1. My Father was always the one who was excited about decorating the Christmas tree. I remember the year, maybe in the early 50's, when he discovered "bubble lights" - they were shaped like candles and they bubbled somehow. Dad was like the proverbial kid at Christmas with his new lights.


    1. We had those bubble lights too. I thought they were the neatest things under the sun. They disappeared from the stores after the 50s but a few years ago some company started making them again.

      How special that your dad was so excited about decorating the Christmas tree.

      A wonderful memory indeed. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I was not allowed to have pets growing up. My mother said they did not belong in the city in a house so that was that. Until (I shall call him MY FAVORITE UNCLE) arrived one Christmas Day dinner with a real life little black puppy as a gift for ME. Of course my mother had a royal fit and I forget even what I named him but he only lasted a few days at our house and I had to agree to give him away. My Uncle was my Fathers brother and MY HERO you can imagine. I had the gift I leasst for a few days.

    1. Oh, I am so sorry about your little puppy! I know you must have been heartbroken. What's childhood without a pet? Nice that your favorite uncle thought of you in such a special way. Maybe he thought your mom would give in and let you keep it. Do you have a picture of the puppy among your keepsakes?

  3. I´m sorry to let you down on this post, as I really don´t remember/ wish to remember the past Christmas times, as I have always felt miserable on the " very " day.
    There were exceptions when celebrating the very first Xmasses when the daughters were small.
    Somehow, the presence of my MIL or mother always made me terribly anxious; everything had to be performed to their liking. Horrible times for me, which further undoubtably affected the whole family, of which I´m ever so sorry.
    The placing of the candles on the tree has always been the job of the man in the house over here.

    1. Christmases when your daughters were young must have been fun. When you refer to candles on the tree, is that the electric lights? Or do you do real candles on the tree for a short and supervised time?
