Sunday, December 30, 2012

Winter Dreams

I was already thinking about the topic of my post for today when I went into the garage this morning and saw this:

From left, Myrtle, Murtie and Carl
The three cats crowd into one small bed -- for warmth and companionship -- when there's a larger bed alongside it. I moved them from the barn to the garage several months ago and they seem to love it there. Plus, its much more convenient for me to visit them several times each day.

They are the sweetest kitties! And I'm hoping they'll have warmer Winter Dreams there.

For me, it seems that winter truly sets in once Christmas is past. Time to get on with the New Year, snuggle in and enjoy more time indoors, relax more, plan, dream. (Apologies to readers in the Southern Hemisphere, where you're in the midst of your summer! In that case, please share here your plans for hot weather projects.)

So what will you be dreaming about this winter? Starting a new project? Something creative like knitting, sewing? A project on the house? Learning something new? Maybe you want to take a class, read more, write a book, listen to some special music. Or perhaps you'll be perusing the seed catalogs and and dreaming of starting a spring garden.

With one day left in 2012, there's still time to go out and purchase a journal, in case you haven't already done so, in which to record your daily thoughts. Keeping a journal is a good way to organize thoughts and keep track of our goals and progress.

The journal I've chosen for 2013

Tomorrow I will be publishing a post on journal writing and I already have my pretty leather-bound book waiting for my first entry of 2013.

Sweet winter dreams, everyone.


  1. That's a very attractive journal. Some very intricate Celtic knot decoration?
    Thanks for the reminder about garden planning. Last year I just went and bought whatever looked good on the seed packet, not dreaming that anything would really grow. And it all grew - beginners luck, I suppose.

    1. A Celtic knot I think, but no special significance for me. I just happened to find the journal at TJ Max and liked the look and feel of it.

      Looking forward to your gardening adventures this coming year.

  2. Dear little kitties, they look identical. How do you tell them apart? Looking forward to the journal post; maybe it is time I started a journal, now I've learnt to blog! Happy New Year, Sanda!

    1. In the beginning it was difficult to tell one from the other, but not any more because we see them all the time. Hope you will enjoy the journaling article I posted today.
      And Happy New Year to you as well, Patricia!

  3. Wishing you and your beautiful pets a Happy New year 2013, may all your dreams come true.Ida

    1. There is never a dull moment with all the pets we have.

      And a very Happy New Year to you, Ida!

  4. So glad you included this wonderful picture of the sweetest cats ever. I loved the pix so much that I had to show it around yesterday to folks sitting close to me at church services. They are absolutely adorable!
    Looking forward on how to keep a journal -I'm just not consistent with doing it ---beautiful book you have chosen.

    1. It's fun to show off pictures of our kitties because they are so darn cute! Hope the journaling article will be somewhat helpful to you. I love my new book!

  5. Oh, how I´d wish to dive in between with your kitties! Too sweet to be true.
    Your journal is handsome. I have the classic Moleskine in black. yet anxious to mark it with special dates.
    I r e a l l y wish we could " fix the floors here at upstairs, replace some banisters, fix everything, that just needs my husband´s " gentle touch " ; ).
    Larger operations are the underfloor heating system for downstairs + repainting the house partially..
    Winter dreams - indeed!

    1. I wish that it was possible to have these sweet kitties inside, but I don't think I can. I just enjoy them every chance I have outside. They are very loving and sweet.

      I like Moleskine notebooks and have several I use for various purposes.

      We have a house project under way right now. My husband is refinishing our kitchen cabinets, a long overdue project. They are looking so good and I can't wait for completion.

      Happy New Year, Mette!

  6. That leather-bound diary is stunning and your cats are so lovely... I hope you realize all your dreams for the New Year !x

    1. Thanks, Silver Bunny. I can't wait to start writing in my new journal! I hope you, too, realize all your fondest dreams in 2013.

  7. I agree with Mette, it would be great to snuggle down between those darling kittens.

    You are all set for 2013 with a lovely journal. I've attempted to keep a journal more than once but I don't seem cut out for it. I guess my sketchbook is as close as I come.

    Happy New Year to your and your family.


    1. Snuggling with kitties is great fun!

      I think your sketchbook is a perfect type of a journal. Drawings can be as good as words, because they are a reflection of you and what you are doing and thinking about.

      Happy New Year to you, Darla!

  8. Awwwww....your kitties are just precious!

    Wishing you a wonderful new year filled with adventures and beauty
