Thursday, January 17, 2013

50 Uses for Petroleum Jelly

Good old Petroleum Jelly. Vaseline. Who knew it had so many uses?

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I’ve been applying it for dry, winter itchy skin and can report it works wonders. I've also been dabbing a small amount under make-up and it does give a dewy, luminescent look.

Using it regularly caused me to do a bit of research to find out if it was an accepted potion to apply to the skin. What I found out is, yes, it’s OK on your skin. The cosmetic-grade petroleum jelly, according to some sources, will NOT clog pores.

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I found out Marilyn Monroe was devoted to using petroleum jelly under her makeup for a dewy look. Read the article here for her make-up secrets.   Here's another article about Jennifer Aniston and her use of the product.

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There are multiple uses for the product, not just those beauty related. Sharing here some of what I have found. Perhaps you’d like to try them, too.

50 Uses for Vaseline (from

1. Put a coat on your eyelashes before you go to bed. Lots of people swear by this – and say it will make your lashes grow longer and thicker over time.

2. Put a coat on your feet, day or night, cover them with socks several hours and greet your softer feet.

3. Put on your elbows every day – they will stay soft!

4. Put on your cuticles several times a day for softer and better looking cuticles.

5. Put on chapped lips

6. Use as lip gloss

7. Mix a little with a little Kool-Aid powder and make a colored and flavored lip gloss! (This one is not for me!)

8. Melt with one chocolate chip in the microwave, mix and let resolidify for chocolate lip gloss! (Nor is this one.)

9. Maintains perfume scent longer when applied at perfume points before spritzing the perfume. (I'll try it!)

10. Can be used as a moisturizer for acne sufferers (it is a misconception that it clogs pores).

11. Moisturizes severely dry skin. (Yes it does!)

12. Use on your knees to prevent that dry, ashy look.

13. Mix with sea salts to make a scrub!

14. Apply on your teeth prevents lips from sticking to teeth.

15. Applied on teeth before applying lipstick prevents lipstick from sticking on them.

16. Massage over entire body.

17. Warmed up can be used as a night cream.

18. Makeup remover. (I have been using as an eye make-up remover.)

19. Protects skin exposed to adverse weather.

20. Apply under eye shadow for a shimmery effect.

21. Apply on cheeks for a dewy look.

22. Can be used to smooth and soothe skin after shaving.

23. Used in manicures under cuticles.(Not sure I know what this means. Under cuticles?)

24. Gets rid of dry skin lines which can arise from washing.

25. Lubricates ear lobes and helps to make earring insertion easy and painless.

26. Keeps fingernails pliable and resilient.

27. Use with your lipstick to create a cream blusher for your cheeks.

28. Helps to ease off stuck on rings.

29. Tames unruly eyebrows.

30. Defines eyelashes and leaves them with a glossy and waterproof look.

31. Conditions scalp pre-shampooing.

32. Can help prevent chaffing.

33. Aids with healing after cosmetic surgery procedures.

34. Reduces scaling and itching associated with dandruff.

35. Therapeutic when applied to lesions caused by poison ivy.

36. Can help improve condition of those with atopic eczema.

37. Helps heal and protect new tattoos. (No tattoos here!)

38. Can protect against harmful hair dyeing, perming and straightening chemicals when used as a mask around the hairline.

39. Use a tiny dab to put a quick shine on your shoes and bags. (Works!)

40. Smear a tiny bit on your hands and scrunch through your hair for a choppy look.

41. Use just a touch on the ends of your hair to hide dry and split ends.

42. Remove makeup stains from clothing.

43. Rub Vaseline on the neck of your nail polish bottles and they won’t get stuck to the caps. (What a great idea!)

44. Make your week old nail polish look new again – rub a small dab over the polish.

45. Use a touch of Vaseline mixed with powder eyeshadow pigment to make new colors, or a more solid eyeshadow that won’t get all over your face when you put it on.

46. Stretch your favorite lotion by mixing it with Vaseline.

47. Put Vaseline on your lips, leave it a few minutes, then scrub your lips with a toothbrush to exfoliate and leave them SO smooth

48. Remove false eyelash glue from your lash line. (No false eyelashes here!)

49. Apply a small amount on dry spots on your body before fake tanning lotions are applied, and prevent uneven tanning!

50. Generously apply Vaseline all over before taking flights to combat associated dryness. has an article about what petroleum jelly "is" in an article titled, Is Vaseline the Secret to Ageless Skin?

Have you already -- or do you think you will try -- any of the above tips?


  1. This was so interesting.
    But, wow, all that time those two women spend in the bathroom!
    I use only a few minutes pampering myself ( and that can be seen ; ).
    The use of vaseline is familiar to me, not all the tips, but some.
    As we are going way down in temperatures now, I should go and buy a jar of it for myself straight thing tomorrow.
    Yet another tip:
    Vaseline is great for horses too.
    Apply a generous amount of it on the outer corners of the mouth to keep the lips smooth and to avoid bruises year around!
    I´d suppose vaseline could be applied on the paws of dogs too, before going out, to prevent sores during the snowy wintertime.
    Perhaps in hot climate too, if you walk your dog on paved streets.
    P.S. Now, beware the floors inside, as they might be very slippery ; ).

    1. Good to know about the uses you share. I notice my dogs' pads get dry in winter so maybe I will slather it on them. Of course, they will just lick most of it off.

  2. Am a fan of vaseline am wearing a slick on my lips as I type,always use in in cold weather around the house/walking.Also after my bath twice weekly use it on feet with socks,prevents those horrid heel cracks.

    Would not put it near my eyes as it causes puffs.Have heard of some of the other tips but other than above have never used them.

    The best thing is a large jar is so cheap,I carry the small round tin during the cold weather.
    Thank you for another interesting post.Ida

    1. Yes, I've heard not to place any cream in a thick layer around the eyes, as it will cause puffiness. Good to know if face care products ever become so expensive we can't afford them we can use Vaseline as our multipurpose product.

  3. I am always amazed to read about the patience and devotion to strict beauty regimes. I had no idea vaseline is used to create the glowy dewy look. I have a bit of a love/hate relationship with vaseline, it cause my lips to dry out faster i.e. become depended on this product. I use it to clean and care for my leather products: shoes and bags. It's a great way to regenerate leather boots that have been dried out and damaged by all the wet snow and salt from the streets.

    1. Vaseline can certainly be a greasy mess if too much is used. Have not heard that lips can dry out faster if they become dependent on the product. Hmm, I'll have to pay attention and see if that happens for me.

  4. Thanks for some new ideas. Vaseline is great for killing lice when liberally coating the scalp with it. Nearly impossible to get out of hair afterward, but it's worth it for chemical-free lice control.

    1. The fact you provide is something I'd expect a grade-school teacher to know! You weren't a teacher once, were you? I recall there was usually some kid in class each year that turned up with a case of head lice. Seems like it's made a comeback these days.

  5. What a great variety of uses for one product. Some I've heard of before but some are new to me. I remember using it to clean/polish my daughters patent leather Mary Janes when they were small.


  6. Good info. I've been trying it this week since you told me what created your new great look! Face looks so radiant, moist and youthful! Folks, it's working for her.

  7. Hello Sanda

    I learned of new uses - I have used it on my face in cold climates.

    have a great weekend

    Helen x

    1. It is good stuff for many situations. And so inexpensive!

  8. Hi...I mentioned your blog post on my blog

    A very interesting read indeed!
