Monday, January 28, 2013

Downton Abbey Blues

An apology to readers not following or not fans of Downton Abbey, Season 3 of which is currently airing Sunday nights on PBS:

I am “in mourning” today that Lady Sybil died in last night’s episode. I’m so sorry she’s been written out of the script, as she was one of my favorite characters.

Now, what will happen to Branson and his motherless newborn daughter? Will he return to Ireland and take the baby, or allow the child to be raised by Lady Sybil’s family at Downton?

Did we see a foreshadowing last night that Mary and Matthew will not be able to have a child of their own? Will they adopt the baby?

Will Lady Cora ever be able to forgive Lord Robert for not listening to the village doctor who could have perhaps saved Lady Sybil?

Does anyone else wonder if Bates did after all kill his ex-wife? And what would happen to Anna, his oh-so-nice-and-sweet current wife?

Will Lady Edith ever be able to find her place in the world?

Are Lord Grantham and Matthew headed for a showdown over the estate’s management?

Will Ethel work out as a cook in Mrs. Crowley’s house?

And what's next down in the servant quarters? Will Daisy ever find true love? Will Mrs. Patmore ever start being nice to Daisy?

And what of Thomas and O'Brien? Will Thomas' secret life be exposed? Will O'Brien turn into a nice person?

I didn't think I would become so hooked on this program. As others have said, it's a soap opera. Ah, but the costumes, the historical background, the scenery. Each episode leaves me longing to see the next one!

With any luck, though, we'll continue to be entertained by the the Dowager Countess of Grantham's sharp and pointed one-liners:

Do you have any thought/opinions/predictions on the points above? Please share!


  1. I keep hoping they will get rid of Edith. She's so boring. I did enjoy the dry delivery of that "What is a weekend?" comment.

    1. Oh, poor Edith! Seems she just can't win. Actually, I'm pulling for her -- that she'll find her niche and be happy.

  2. We are much further ahead with Downton Abbey, but I will not spill the beans!!!

    1. I'm so jealous that the seasons air in the UK before we see it. There is to be an episode 4, right?

  3. I'm one who hasn't really gotten into DA. I think that is because I've only seen it hit and miss. One day I'll get it on DVD so I can follow the story beginning to end. I do like looking at the costumes and the sets though.


    1. I think you'll enjoy it very much. My cousin told me Seasons 1 and 2 are available in DVD at the library.

  4. Actually I have not seen this series but everyone I know has and I anxious to make time for the quotes, they are funny...happy Tuesday Sanda : )

    1. Maggie Smith's one-liners are one of the joys of this program. You'll watch a few episodes and you'll be hooked!

  5. I would love to comment but I know the answers to them all...I recently watched the Season 3 DVD...all I can say, don't put away that tissue box just yet. :) Many thanks for stopping by my blog today. :)

  6. Oh dear, there are more surprises in store. I should just get the season 3 DVD and stop the suspense. Thanks for visiting my blog all the way from Vietnam.

  7. I have heard this series discussed in several blogs. Seems that it is a success.
    Finland has seen season 3 already, I´ve been told.
    All I know about it, is via you, and this arrangement is fine with me.
    I won´t let myself get fooled into watching TV , as I´ve managed to leave it be for four years now.
    TV will perhaps reappear into my life at some point, only now, I enjoy not " having to " watch it.

    1. Should you begin to watch TV again in the future, be sure to put this program at the top of your list!
