Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Lavender Dreams

With all the dreary and rainy weather we're having, I'm dreaming of strolling through a field of lavender

Or exploring an enchanted lavender fairy forest

Or longing for spring when a lavender plant can be planted in the good Earth.

How nice it would be to gather an armload of delicately tinted lavender flowers!

Or stroll down a path lined with lavender plants

Or view with awe a field of lavender at sunset.

Ah, there's nothing like the scent of lavender, but if you're so inclined you could choose a lavender coat

Or a pair of lavender gloves
 The adventuresome sort might want to experiment with a touch of lavender on the face

Or if you're bold enough, dye your hair

And who among use wouldn't enjoy Lavender Scones?

Or lavender cookies?

Lavender Lemonade, anyone?

What a great idea! Tie lavender blooms around a candle and enjoy the aroma created by the candle heat!

Enjoy the bliss of a bath complemented by a bar of lavender soap

And lavender towels.

All images via Pinterest

Aside from its beauty and pleasing taste, lavender, also known as Lavandula angustifolia, is one of the most widely used, versatile herbs known today. 

Lavender flowers have long since been used to treat digestive problems, insomnia, anxiety and restlessness. Until World War I, lavender was used to treat and disinfect wounds. Hospitals used lavender as an antiseptic and disinfectant to sterilize surfaces and equipment.

Today, lavender is used in much of the same way, for many of the same reasons. Both the flowers of the plant and the essential oils derived from the plant can be used therapeutically.

Its uses are endless; the essential oil is a must-have for all homes because of its calming, antibiotic, antiseptic, disinfectant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It is good for treating or aiding in the treatment of a number of health problems, including:

  • anxiety and depression
  • mental exhaustion
  • insomnia
  • scrapes and wounds
  • digestive problems
  • headaches
  • skin problems - rashes, bruises and burns
  • women's health problems
  • heat exposure
  • fevers, aches and pains
  • jet lag
  • sprains
  • sunburn
  • disinfectant
  • insect repellant

There is much information available on amounts to use and application methods. If you use essential oils, follow the directions carefully.

Are you fond of the scent and taste of lavender? Do you use lavender-scented products?


  1. What a beautiful and soothing post, Sanda. I love lavender too, and like to visit the occasional lavender farm cum tourist venue. We have enjoyed lavender scones a few times, and I love them. I have one little lavender bush but it struggles here; I don't think the climate is right for it. If I could find a lavender coat like that, I'd buy in a flash to wear to Canada!

    1. My climate is not altogether ideal for lavender either. But I'm able to keep a few going with a great deal of TLC. I could live with that coat, too!

  2. it is dreary and rainy here, too, and those pictures of lavender plants are a good antidote to the gloomy weather. I have some lavender soap tucked away in a drawer, and you inspire me to get it out.

    and those gloves! ah, those gloves! :)

    1. Those gloves are really show stoppers aren't they? Great weather for pampering yourself with lavender!

      Thanks for stopping by and your first-time comment.

  3. Lavender is one of my favorite colors and I enjoyed your pictures. The scent of lavender is one I use all the time in various ways. I'm not that fond of it in food though. We have one large ancient lavender plant, perhaps it is time to plant a couple more.


    1. A little goes a long way when it comes to using lavender flavoring in food, but lavender cookies are really nice, as is lavender tea.

  4. Lavender sachets stored between bed linen delicious,I refresh my muslin sachets each year.
    Paths lined with lavender is found in many old UK cottages,brush up against them on a hot Summer's day brings back many memories + the divine scent.

    Not sure I like the thought of lavender in food.Have you ever tasted it?
    HB's favourite soap is lavender! Ida

    1. I thought the lavender was quite breathtaking in your country. Suitable climate means everything when it comes to growing it. Mine do better in pots than in the clay soil. I have used lavender in many dishes, mostly sweets and like it quite a bit.

      I once had lavender furniture polish and am anxious to find it again. It made the house smell so good.

  5. Wonderfully soothing pictures - as you notice, even looking at the color, relaxes.
    But finding " just " the perfect shade for me/ our house is challenging..
    The model´s eye is close to the perfect!

    1. I find lavender to be a soothing color as well. I once had a bedroom decorated in lavender and it was heavenly.

      I was wondering if the model was wearing lavender/purple tinted contact lenses. I've never seen that eye color. Elizabeth Taylor had gorgeous violet eyes, but this color is different!

  6. When I go for walks and find lavender along the way I always pick and rub on my hands for the beautiful natural scent. I like to experiment with the essential oils and have tried using it to clear my sinuses and I think that is worth a try right now since I am still in my low energy sleepy eyes state of being.

    1. How lucky you are to find lavender growing along the route you walk. I, too would pick and enjoy it! The lavender essential oil should be helpful for your sinus problem, but be sure to read up on how much to dilute it. It can be caustic if you use too much.

  7. Hello Sanda,

    Beautiful pictures, just like a cool breeze. It grows well in my backyard and I love bringing it inside in June. Just to enjoy for its scent, as its use in food is a taste I haven't acquired.

    One quirky caution, its pure oils are mildly estrogenic (see women's issues in your list) so it is said that products containing lavender should be avoided for young boys as it can disrupt hormones.

    1. Thank you, Patricia, for pointing out the potential danger of lavender to young boys. I did not know that. Hopefully, anyone choosing to use lavender oil therapeutically would read up and learn the cautions associated with it, as well as the instructions for use.

  8. What a refreshing love it all....especially on a dreary day like today!!
    We gotta go to the lavender farm this year. I have the TJ Max sachets in my closet and linen closet....wonderful. Wish we had got more.

  9. I am ready to go to the lavender farm as soon as it is in bloom. Do you know when that will be? June? July?
