Wednesday, January 23, 2013

What's In Your Shopping Bag?

What does our shopping cart reveal about us?

I have no idea, but when I returned home from a quick visit to the big box store, I looked at the contents of my bags and thought, “what an odd assortment of items."

I needed another roll of shelf liner for our recently refinished kitchen cabinets (thanks Claus! You did a great job and they look gorgeous) so I decided to combine that errand with a visit to Goodwill to drop off the eight large bags of donation items.

While walking through the store, I saw a Yoga DVD which I hope will encourage me to keep up my exercises daily, now that I'm no longer in class. A replacement eyelash curler; face exfoliant and night cream (cheap); and coconut oil hydrating oil mist for hair.

I also decided to see if I could find a pocket pedometer (see yesterday's post) and a replacement iPhone protective case for the one I managed to rip by taking it in and out of my pocket too many times.

Now if I can just decipher the instructions on how to set it!

The challenge of this type of packaging is ever getting inside!

I couldn't pass up this dark chocolate because I want to make chocolate covered peanuts and this stuff makes the best I've ever eaten. Maybe not totally healthy eating, but at least it's dark chocolate and peanuts! And if I make it myself at least it'll be free of all the additives found in bought candy.

These were the only true food items I needed.

And something to plant in the potager garden in a few weeks!

Like I mentioned, an odd assortment. What's on your shopping list this week? 


  1. Did you ever have a variety today? Sometimes I go and spend lots of money and come home with no food! I had a beauty salon visit today so my shopping list may be cut short this week and will be the week to clean out the pantry!!

    1. Can't wait to see your new hair! If you're like me, you could eat from the pantry for a month without a grocery shopping trip.

  2. So funny what we put together in a shopping trip. When I came home today and found your post, I had another look at the list in my purse today: New memory card for camera, tablecloth for daughter, sunscreen moisturiser, navy pencil skirt from Target. Got 'em all! Maybe tomorrow I'll get some food!

    1. You had a varied shopping list as well. I don't like to have food items mixed in with other purchases in the cart, but sometimes it's inevitable.

  3. I am intrigued by the Coconut Hydrating Oil. Is this a Walmart item? I'll have to make a shopping list when I get home from Hawaii - but it will have milk on it. It always does. And bananas for John.

    1. Beryl, the Coconut Hydrating Oil by Organix is from Walmart. This is the first time I've purchased it. Promoted as giving shine to hair and controlling frizzies. I tried it yesterday and I like it, although I'm not particularly fond of the scent - smells like coconut, duh! But the scent does wear off rather quickly.

  4. That is a strange assortment Sanda : ) You could easily confuse an FBI agent with that list. My list is pretty boring...detergent, cat treats, cat litter, cat toys, cat food, cat stuff hee hee hee


    1. Mona, the standing joke around this house is that the only thing to force a trip to the grocery store is if the cats need food or the dogs need treats/food.

  5. Luckily your shopping list was not all about food, as you know I won´t shop the groceries. Lots of euros get saved for something else; )
    Wednesday, in Hki, I did however hop to buy 2 extra pairs of the Wolford tights, heh.
    I hopped to the perfume counter, only the scent I want, was not available, sigh.
    Over here, the sales are doing their finals, with new stuff here and there.
    Everything is made in China, Bangladesh.. I now always check where a piece of clothing is made in.
    Finally, I really don´t " need " anything, I keep saying.

    1. Your post on the Wolford tights was interesting. I am not familiar with them. We don't need heavy ones here, but I think you mentioned they are available in several weights.

      I have not shopped the sales this year. As you said, I don't really "need" anything.

  6. Not many shopping opportunities here in the Mts. The one small grocery store is rather upscale which is great but they are high priced for staples so I try to bring those with me. There is a unique coffee shop combination book store too. Knowing it is there keeps me from getting in a panic about running out of books to read. Other than that? One gas station.

    Your coconut hair mist is intriguing.


    1. I'm always on the lookout for new hair products and this one seems OK, so far. It IS a panicky feeling -- thinking you're going to run out of books to read. Your mountain village sounds wonderful and quiet.

  7. Try yoga bag . They are very comfortable to use and wash. You will get them in various sizes and with various pockets to keep your things. The material is really good an quality of product is outstanding.
