Saturday, February 16, 2013

I'm Walking the Dog(s)

As I headed off for the first walk of the morning with Valerie and Kris, I called out to Claus that I was walking the dogs.

 I immediately thought of this old Country Music ditty popular way back when.

While the words to the song aren't exactly appropriate to the situation, the title is perfect!

Webb Pierce - I'm Walking the Dog
(Check out that jacket!)

Off we go!

What has been here?
 Could it have been one of the cats? a rabbit? another dog?

Oh boy! Lots of things to stiff this morning.

Valerie checks out the porch to ensure a cat's not perched there.

 Kris gazes into the pasture to keep the cows under control.

Valerie brings a gift almost every time she goes for a walk: always a leaf.
She is so proud of herself!

That was fun, but we're all exhausted.
 Let's just rest here on the floor and wait for the next one!

Valerie and Kris are wishing you a good weekend!


  1. Hello Sanda

    Valerie and Chris are both beautiful dogs and must be excellent company on walks.

    enjoy your weekend

    Helen xx

    1. Both Val and Kris say thank you, Helen. They are always entertaining.

  2. A lovely dog who brings you a leaf gift is just adorable, Sanda. Enjoyed the film clip, though the song is unfamiliar. What a jacket that is, and I liked seeing the girls in their 50s full skirts, clicking their fingers ever so sedately. Such sweet and simple times, back then.

    1. It's so cute when she brings a leaf; it's as if she is SO proud of herself.

      Those were much more simpler times -- at least it seems so in retrospect.

  3. What a wonderful walking tour!
    Don´t you just feel so privileged to have two beautiful, gorgeous dogs living with you!

    1. I do feel privileged. I don't own them; they own me!

  4. what a wonderful place for a walk! y'all probably see (and smell lol) something new every time you go out. nice :)

    1. At times I think they'll never finishing sniffing, rolling on the ground, chasing each other and barking at anything that moves. My boy and girl truly enjoy their walks.

  5. Great walking buddies and when one brings you leafy presents what could be better?


    1. They provide a good reason to get my walking exercise. Four each day if the weather is good. And I wonder where my time goes!

  6. They are just so adorable and your walk looks like such fun! Good weekend to you, too!

    1. Goldens are truly sweet and loving dogs. The walks are fun, unless the fields are wet and I have to clean eight paws.

  7. Samps, their so sweet ! Enjoyed seeing you and them take your morning walk. Great little story ..


    1. Thanks, Darry. Never a dull moment with those two around. They keep me hopping!

  8. awwwwwww! Look at that face of pride and happiness :-)

    1. There's a definite difference in the personalities of the female and male. Both sweet, but different!

  9. Red dogs are the best,well you would expect me to say that! I enjoyed watching you all walk,have been on my sick bed all weekend have some type of stomach flu URG.

    Have you heard George Gershwin's 'Walking the Dog' a very upbeat 1920's tune always makes me smile and strut the dog....well when I had one. Ida

    1. Sorry to hear you haven't been well, Ida. Hope you are better by now. Winter is taking it's last fury out on us -- with both sickness and the weather.

      I am not familiar with George Gershwin's version but I'm curious and would like to check it out! Thanks

  10. Sweet, sweet doggies. I had the honor of Val bringing me a leaf last week when I was there. BUT I got a big kiss from Kris!
