Sunday, March 17, 2013

A Spring Bouquet

There have been two days of 70 plus degree temperatures and it feels like spring is here. But before I get my hopes up, all I have to do is look at the weather forecast to see that winter hasn't completely left us. It will dip below freezing later this week, so we gathered the last of the daffodils from mother's garden yesterday.

Added to the bouquet were blooms from the Tulip Poplar tree, always the earliest of the flowering trees to open. 

I thought this looked very springy and nice for mother's kitchen table.

We just need to hang in there a few more weeks! 

Hope the weekend was nice where you are.


  1. Beautiful bouquet - did those purple flowers come off a tree?

    1. Yes, and I'm afraid I misidentified the tree. It's a TULIP Tree (Saucer Magnolia). The Tulip Poplar is a different tree entirely.

  2. what a cheerful bouquet. just what i needed on this dreary rainy day :) the tulip poplar is our state tree, but they get so _tall_. we've never had one in our yard.

    1. Hi, see note above to Beryl. It's a Tulip Tree, or Saucer Magnolia. The Tulip Tree is a small ornamental tree, unlike the Tulip Poplar, which is, as you say, a very large shade tree.

  3. A beautiful arrangement of the daffodils . I do not know the tulip poplar tree, I have never seen one, but the flower looks lovely.
    A nice touch of spring you gave to your mother's table.

    here my weekend was wet. Today the sun is out. I am feeling good.
    thank you Sanda.
    happy week to you

    1. Don't you just love little spring flower arrangements. So cherry bright. I think it's the yellow that's usually in them.

      Spring come quickly!

  4. big sigh! these aren't even in bloom yet here :-( this is the worst winter I can remember for years now!

  5. we've never had a tulip magnolia either ;) but those blooms are beautiful!

  6. Beautiful bouquet of some beautiful flowers! It was fun picking them wasn't it. Great pix - so cheerful.
