Sunday, March 24, 2013

Rocks and Moss

A have a new obsession: Rocks. Especially rocks covered in moss.

I have used rocks to line informal planting areas, but this spring I have an idea to spread those stacked rocks on the ground -- in an area that's too shady for grass to grow.

So I'm admiring my rocks these days.

The weed known as Creeping Charlie will have to be destroyed or it will cover my rocks in a year or two. I read recently that baking soda works for killing weeds. I'm going to give it a try.

Obviously not a rock but a lichen-covered twig that also has a mushroom growing out its side.

Moss growing at the base of a PG Hydrangea 
I need more rocks! A friend offered to let me come to her wooded property and gather all the rocks I want. This won't be an easy task, as I visited there a few weeks ago and saw many beautiful LARGE flat rocks.

This is a photo of her property. The hole is a cave with a spring flowing from it. Note the wild ferns. Once the weather warms it should be a quite beautiful place from which to gather my rocks.
When my little project is completed, I'll show you photos.

Have a good week.


  1. I use rocks as a border for some of my flower beds.
    The baking soda works great.. bi carbonate of soda.. it will kill all the green fungi..also on your paths..
    looking forward to see what you are going to do with your rocks.
    I thought this post today, ironic.. as i love rocks.. I got a builder from the village to bring me very large rocks to make a rockery..and they are now covered with the wild grass. i never got down to doing it.
    have fun.
    Happy Monday and Easter week.

    1. Perhaps you will still get around to making your rockery. I will be sure to show you mine when finished. I think it will take me quite a while. All summer?

  2. I love a rockery too, and moss is definitely value added. Let us know if the baking soda works because I would love a safe natural weed killer. Do you mix with water, or throw it around dry? The twig with lichen and a mushroom is beautiful - I would grab that too!

    1. From what I read you just sprinkle it on dry. I am very anxious to try it.

  3. Love your moss covered rocks. Once established, its something that doesn't have to keep being redone year after year. But the down side is gathering all those rocks -hard work but you'll accomplish it I'm sure! I love rocks and moss also and its a good thing since some places in my yard are so shady that's all you can do. In one place, the ground is covered with moss and I love it. I will try the baking soda, much better than spraying with some chemical.

    1. I need so many more rocks! Some of the ones I've gathered are quite small but I hope to find large ones when I go to Gail's woods.

  4. i love moss! the lichen and mushroom are great, too. i'm encouraging moss to grow between the slate tiles on my patio in place of the mortar that has crumbled away.

    1. Would love to see pictures of your moss. The ultimate for me will be to have thyme growing between the rocks. We'll see!

  5. I have used ordinary household salt with good results to kill off weeds between the slabs on the terrace,just pour it on straight from the pkt.I was given the tip by an elderly gardening gure.

    They make stunning statements those mossy rocks especially in garden woodlands.Looking forward to seeing your project.Ida/Judith

    1. I haven't heard about the salt, but I'll certainly try that as well and make a comparison between the soda and salt.

      Ida, I may have missed something, but just curious about the addition of Judith.

  6. Pretty rocks. I like the moss covered ones best. It will be fun to see your finished project


    1. I just wish the weather would warm so I can get this project going in earnest. Has turned quite cold here this week. Snow flurries today.

  7. very zen :-) my mum made a rock garden at one side of the house and filled it with succulents and herbs and let nature slowly add the patina of time. She put a small pond with water lilies next to it and a Japanese midget cypress tree. It used to be a favourite napping place for our previous kitty.
    I can't wait to see how you'll style your moss covered rocks but that branch covered with lichen looks intriguing.

    1. Your mom's rock garden sounds charming. Yes, something quite Zen about rock gardens!

  8. Moss is pretty. Have you tried pouring sour milk on the rocks to increase the amount of it?
    I´ve heard, that it might work. If you manage to get a bit of manure with it, the better.
    Ida´s tip of the salt was a good one, must try it!

    1. Haven't tried the sour milk thing. I did read somewhere that you could mix buttermilk, yogurt and moss and pour over rocks, so I'm guessing the sour milk would be about the same treatment. Hmm, I suppose I could buy a bag of manure to see if that would give better results.

      The only problem with placing dairy products on the rocks is that my Kris would promptly lick it off!
