Friday, April 12, 2013


Here are a few photos of flowers and trees taken over the past few days. 

There's so much to look at -- and so many things to accomplish -- in the garden this time of the year. But I find it enjoyable work. The cool air scented by the delicate spring flowers, birds singing, blue skies and bright sunshine all make for pleasant days outdoors. 

Lenten Rose

Wildflower in the pasture

Thrift (groundcover)

Bradford Pear (ornamental tree)

Cherry Tree (ornamental)

Cherry Tree (using special effect on Instagram)

Cherry Tree bark

Cherry Tree

Cherry Tree

Flowering Crabapple. Korean Spice Viburnum bush in the foreground.

Carolina Jessamine

Carolina Jessamine

Redbud Tree

Korean Spice Viburnum bouquet

Mixed flowers -- daffodils, spirea, Bradford Pear blossoms.
I hope you have a joyful weekend.


  1. a sight for sore eyes! We're finally seeing leaf buds on the trees around here, still no sign of tulips and daffodils, but if the weather keeps uo it will be blooming all around in no time. Wishing you a happy weekend!

    1. Hope your weekend was good Anna and that spring will soon visit you.

  2. i remember thrift and redbuds from my yard when i was little. i still see redbuds, but i haven't seen thrift in ages! it finally feels like spring :)

    1. The Redbuds are fairly widespread, especially in the woods. But you are right; that old plant Thrift is rarely seen anymore.

  3. Are all the pictures from your grounds? Wowchy.
    We still have snow all over, gray sky, rain, mud, really depressive to go outside. I rather look at your pictures ; ).

    1. Yep, all photos are of my grounds. Spring can't be TOO far away for you, can it? (Although the northern part of our country is still under snow).

  4. Thank you Sanda,these photos have cheered me up,our temps.have risen to 52f,with gale force winds+rain still it is great to toss off my jumpers.

    Your garden has the natural look,and blends with the countryside,do you make Crabapple jelly/jam?The Cherry trees are flowering in the towns,and my daffodils are in flower!! about time.
    What a delightful bouquet of flowers from your own garden.Enjoy your Sunday. Judith

    1. I am not much of a jelly-maker, Judith. I have tried it once or twice but I don't seem to have the touch (or patience). I'd rather just grow the tree!

  5. It looks like spring arrived at your house. I don't blame you for wanting to be outdoors after being cooped you for the past few months. We had sun today but the wind was blowing so hard it nearly knocked me off my feet.


    1. Spring definitely has arrived, although I suspect we'll have a few more "cold snaps." but hopefully not another freeze.

  6. How beautiful, exactly my idea of Springtime, with blossoms all over. You must feel quite heavenly among all this gorgeousness!

  7. In a few more weeks, around the first of May, everything will be at it's peak and I can't wait. Spring is a wonderful time of year.

  8. BEAUTIFUL! After seeing your yard and all the work you're putting in it, makes me want to DIG in mine even more. It all looks great.

  9. Yours is the prettiest of anyone I know! But thanks!
