Thursday, June 20, 2013

Shopping and the Summer Haircut

No time for a tea party today. There were a few shopping chores to accomplish and an appointment for a haircut.

While looking around in Tuesday Morning I found these cut little teabag rests:

And hand towels
An unconventional style hand towel. But for $1.50, how could I refuse?

 And flatbread
Many items were marked down 80 percent at the summer sale. This was $1.00

A breakfast tea that my husband enjoys

Tea is brewed daily in this, one of my oldest teapots.

But this was my favorite find of the day at a little antique shop. A plant was growing in it as a part of the shop's display, and naturally, it's the one thing that caught my eye -- something that wasn't for sale. But after I expressed an interest in it the nice man said I could have it. He promptly went in search of another pot and transferred his plant into it.
Love this little pot. And I got it for $10

And finally, the haircut. A layered bob, cut shorter for summer comfort. The cut and color was the only thing today that was NOT a bargain.

I am not very good at self portraits. The only way I can pull it off is turn the lens on me and shoot a mirror shot.

So that was my day. How was yours?


  1. Your hair looks great! The color is very well done and subtle. Nice! My husband also loves that particular tea. I've had a fine day doing a bit of vegetable gardening and playing Mah Jong. And this morning there were substitute instructors in both my Water Aerobics classes, which was fun as a change.

    1. What would be think about if we didn't have our hair to fret about? Mah Jong: that's a game I wouldn't mind learning how to play.

  2. First, the photographing : Very difficult for me too, especially with the iphone. You managed well and your hair looks so healthy!
    Second: I would have liked the pot too, and insisted to buy it myself.
    Third: The teabag plates. Yes. They are needed, and you found some nice ones!
    My yesterday: The shopping. I just hated every moment of it. I hated that everything ( food.. ) is so terribly expensive. 450€´s went just like that. Just ordinaries, refilled the medicine kit at the stable, etc. Much rather I´d spent the sum for something else ; ).
    And as I wrote in my blog - today the sauna project.
    Perhaps I´ll wash Hampel or Morty or both !?!

    1. Yes, the teabag rests were something I needed, as HB tends to take to sink without holding his hand under it to prevent drips on the counter.

      Speaking of bathing your animals: Bathing my dogs is one of the most tiring tasks I do, as neither of my Goldens like water (unbelievable!) So it's stressful for them and tiring for me having to hold them securely. I bathed Valerie two days ago and she pouted at me for a full 24 hours.:) She's like that; Kris is not.

      As I write this, I imagine you are in the thick of the hay harvest - hard work - so I hope it will be finished in a few days.

  3. A very clever pose for a selfie, and your hair is beautiful Sanda. I love the red poppy teabag rests, and a set of four is a brilliant idea - one each! I'd have grabbed some of that Lavash flatbread too - yum..
    Today? Well I have been to choir practice (good fun), and it is now our coldest day of the year and we have the fire going - All Day!! Cutting out a cute shirt pattern now.

    1. So interesting that you mention coldest day of the year, but of course it's cold there! I just love flatbread; lots of good crunch.

      Sewing is a great cold weather activity. I know it will turn our pretty.

  4. Lovely haircut and colour - stunning. Do like those little teabag rests.

    1. Thanks! I do wish hair salon visits were not so expensive. I can stretch my visits out to every 10 weeks but some cannot and have to go every 6 weeks - ouch!

  5. Beautiful colour and length hair,looks so thick and healthy.Sounds like you had a fun shopping day.
    Cleaned all my lampshades,boot room,afternoon caught up on emails/phone calls, all the boring bits of the business.

    1. My hair is quite thick and will shine as I wish if I always use good hair products. Sometimes I get lazy or "stingy" and try cheap stuff and can really see a difference.

  6. I admit I'm a bit envious of your haircut Sanda. If I had your thick shiny hair maybe I could have pulled off letting mine grow. Yours looks fabulous.

    Looks like you found some good bargains. I'm a fan of Tazo teas.


    1. Darla, I know I sometimes see a hairstyle I admire and wish it for myself too! We just have to go with what works for us and your hair looks great in the photo you showed last week.

      It was a good day for bargains!

  7. Hello Sanda

    Your hair is fabulous - you have great hair and your hairstylist must love you. I love all your finds and the container is a bargain at $10.

    Have a glorious weekend

    Helen xx

    1. Helen, I know you are busy these days painting away. I always enjoy your posts about your work.

      You are kind, and I think I've finally found a hairdresser who'll work with me on exactly what I want in cut and color.

      Thanks for stopping by!

  8. i love the poppy tea bag rests! my mother-in-law has this dinnerware, but i've never seen the tea pot. this is lovely. i like the tazo teas but have never had that one. great finds, great hair, great day! :)

    1. I have had the Desert Rose china and other pieces for many years. I don't use the place settings day to day, but the teapot, butter dish and salt and peppers are always in use. The pattern is still in production, but is not nearly so nice as the old stuff. I broke a plate and had to replace it 20 years ago, and it's a sad match to the other pieces.

  9. And the haircut looks just as great seeing you face to face as it does in these pictures!
    Love the flowerpot - can't wait to see it.

    1. Thank you! After I spent all that time growing it long so I could wear it up this summer, now I've gone and had it whacked off! Such is life!
