Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Joy of Summer: An Open Window

It's most unusual to have a cool day in July, but that's exactly what happened yesterday. A temperature of 74 degrees F. was such a welcome relief after days of temps in the mid-90s.

It was a great time to throw open the windows and bring the the smells and sounds of summer inside.

How wonderful it was last night to be lulled into sleep to the soothing song of the cicadas and crickets.

And to be awakened in the morning by the birds.

By midday I must close up the windows, as the temperature is predicted to be back in the 90s today. 

But this morning, I'm still bringing the outdoors in and enjoying each moment. 

What are you doing this fine day?


  1. One of the great pleasures of summer is being able to sleep with the windows wide open.

    Today is errand day for me, I goofed off yesterday because I was reading a good book.


    1. I'm reading The Kite Runner, which you said you read and enjoyed. What a fascinating book it is!

  2. i enjoy opening the windows and letting fresh air through the house.

    today, we are being treated to record-breaking rainfall. summer storms are watering my patio plants.

    1. This July is like no other we've had. Plenty of rain and some days have been quite comfortable.

  3. Mornings here are usually cooler and so much fun to open the doors and windows...I will be working, all indoors, and I think it is going to be a hot day. Wishing you a relaxing and fun day Sanda!

    1. I enjoyed opening the windows in spring and fall, but there is hardly ever a day during summer we can do that. So I very much enjoyed getting to do that yesterday!

  4. I open the windows and doors temporarily, but am not able to sleep if the window is left open.
    I get a stiff neck, breast and back. The pain stays on for days. It must be the draft.

    What have I been doing today? The daily routines. Walking up and down the hill with water buckets ; )

    1. I've been known to get a stiff neck from sleeping with the windows open, too! But I chanced it last night and everything was fine. Are the water buckets for the horses?

  5. How do you cope with temps.in the 90's,our hotest day this year was on Sunday 31c with humidity 80% and that was too hot for me,especially trying to cope with my new 8wk old puppy,I forgot how lively they are!!!

    I sleep with my bedroom window open,during the day all the door/windows are open.
    Toilet training is my daily job at the moment,seems to take up most of the day.

    1. You finally got a puppy!! Wonderful news!! I am so happy for you. A dachshund, I assume? What did you name him/her? Wish you would share a photo!

      I suppose we adjust to the very hot days of summer. One doesn't really like it so we stay in with air conditioning as much as we can. Early mornings and late afternoons are the time to be outside.

    2. Thank you,I have called him Oska,mini.wirehaired dachshund.Will put a photo up on my profile later.

  6. I think 74 F is a very civilised temperature, and such a relief from the heat. Very nice photo of your garden - it really looks cool and inviting. I have been working at the Art Gallery today, did tours of 2 different exhibitions, and came home smiling!

    1. Oh great; will be looking for some new art gallery photos soon on your blog.

  7. We've been having afternoon storms for two days straight now. The air is cool in the evenings but unbearably hot and humid late in the morning. It's a tipical July weather though so I try to get as much done early in the morning and late in the afternoon.

    1. Same here, early mornings and late afternoon are very nice. However, we've had a nice cool spell lately but expect the heat to return next week. Storms aren't too bad if they bring rain in summer!
