Thursday, July 18, 2013

No-See-Ums But You Sure Can Feel 'Um

There are all kinds of insects out there trying their best to ruin my summer.

One of them is the No-See-Um. Yep, that’s the correct name. You don't see 'um but you sure can feel 'um!

The name is said to come from words spoken by American Indians (“you don’t see them”), the first known use being in 1842.

A product called Noooo No-see-um is said to repel No-See-Ums. I had no idea such a thing was available but I'll certainly be checking this one out! Advertised as DEET free, no harmful chemicals, non-toxic and safe on pets and horses.
For years, when I heard others refer to a flying insect that bites and causes pain by that name, I thought it was a joke, or a myth.

But during the past several years, I am quite bothered by irritating bites while outdoors. I knew it couldn’t be mosquitos because you can see and hear them buzzing around in your space.
 Although I don’t know what a No-See-Um looks like, if one bites you you'll know it. Intense itching occurs and a small red spot soon appears on the skin. The itching goes on for quite a while.

I've noticed that the moment we go outside, the dogs begin toscratch. My dogs are protected from fleas with a monthly treatment, I've seen no evidence of fleas on them, so I'm assuming they are being bitten by the No-See-Ums.

The insect is a bloodsucker many times smaller than a mosquito, but its bite is inversely more painful. The sting causes a large welt that can irritate the skin for several days, causing severe itching. It is tiny enough to pass through window screens, making it a nuisance to people and pets. They are usually about 1 mm (0.04 inch) long.
A No-See-Um helmet offered by Dick's Sporting Goods

The No-See-Um is also known as a biting midge, sand flea, sand fly, punkie or punky. Many species are found in Alaska, Florida, the southern US states, and the California coast, though they can be found anywhere conditions are ideal.
The best protection from the bites is to empty standing water from yard decorations (their breeding grounds) and use an insect repellent containing DEET.

I don’t like DEET products, and have tried other “homemade remedies” to protect myself against insect bites but have met with limited success with this endeavor, however.

Are you familiar with the No-See-Um insect?

What type product, if any, do you use to protect yourself from insect bites (if you are bothered by them)? Some people are more affected than others, it seems, and they do seem to love me!


  1. I have no idea about the insects you are talking about, but two days ago, when I was " weeding " I was bitten by someones. I had on a tight long sleeve T and jeans, and yet there are red itching pimples all over my arms and legs.
    Usually we only have mosquitoes ( very few ), bees ( if disturbed ) and horseflies which bite.
    As I take antihistamine on daily basis, those don´t bother me.
    I might add some cortisone on the itching skin.

    1. It always amazes me that these pesky insects are able to bite us through our clothing. I find that taking a shower relieves the stinging skin produced by these insect bites; have also used the cortisone cream as you mention.

  2. I have no idea what those insects are but we suffer greatly from pesky mosquitos and I try all sorts of products...truly, only DEET works...

    1. I read somewhere that mosquitoes like women better than men and it's true that some people are bothered by them more than others. We have our share of mosquitoes as well.

  3. Funny, as Mette mentioned same happened to me when in the garden,suddenly I found itching small red spots on my legs/ I know who to blame Sanda sent them!!!!! The standing water/ponds seem to breed mosquitoes but these were not their bites.
    I think this hot weather brings out lots of nasties.I usually swab them with cider vinegar,and that stops the itching.

    1. Judith, I wouldn't do that to you!, but I'd definitely like to send these biting insects to a quick death.The cider vinegar treatment is interesting; I'll have to try it! Thanks.

  4. Yes, we sometimes have them at the house by the bay and boy oh boy do those bites itch. I don't use a repellent but I do use cortisone cream on the bites as Mette mentioned. Miserable little pests.


    1. Two votes for cortisone cream. I'll have to restock my shelf today.

  5. Hi Sanda, I just found a miracle cure for me. I always keep my doors and windows wide open in the summer and end up with itchy bites experimenting with differents insect sprays that never seem to work and seem more poisoness to me than to the bugs. I also never like to put creams or lotions on my body because they make me feel slimy and dirty. I heard LISTERINE was the answer. So after my bath I have been spraying myself with LISTERINE. I rub it in and it is NOT sticky, NOT smelly, NOT any of those issues I have with anything else. And best of really really works. If one did not want to spray on their skin it may work by just spraying into the air???

    1. Listerine, of all things! I would have thought it would make one smell all "medicine-y" but perhaps after it dries this is not the case. I'm willing to try anything to deter these critters.

      Since you don't use creams/lotions, do you use anything else for softening? If I didn't use body cream I would have such dry, scaly skin on my arms/legs!

  6. Once in awhile in the summertime with my bare arms and legs I will put on some lotion or coconut oil after my bath. They just never seem to soak into my skin and I do not feel clean. I was amazed how spraying the Listerine on me would not make me feel all sticky and horrible but it does not. At first it does make me cough a little because I spray on alot but it soon fades and I do not even notice the smell at all and best of all I feel clean after my bath and have not had a bug bite since. I have tried all of the naturopathic oils as well just dabbing on a little citorli because I was desperate to find something that worked and the smell of the natural oil drove me crazy. Also tried using the dryer sheets rubbing them on my skin and it felt horrible leaving a residue that made my skin crawl. So LISTERINE....wins the day. Would like to hear your opinion if you try it.

  7. It was so good seeing you today and thanks for the link! I can't believe I've never heard of these things but they are awful. I am going to look for that product!
