Friday, August 16, 2013

How Often to Replace Your Mascara

The Bobbi Brown Gel Eyeliner has received rave reviews, so I stopped by the cosmetics counter to purchase and give it a try.

Naturally, there is a special brush with which to apply the liner so I had to buy that as well.

A discussion about mascara ensued, and I voiced my frustration about clumping, caking and smearing by the end of the day. Naturally, she had a recommendation – that was, to try the Bobbi Brown no smudge mascara.

Because I’ve never found the perfect mascara – from the expensive to the drug store variety – I rarely wear it any more. I find that applying eyeliner and curling my lashes is usually all I need.

However, since I needed a new mascara I decided to give this one a try. 

But here was the new bit I learned: mascara should be replaced every six weeks? EVERY SIX WEEKS, REALLY? Now I’ve heard every three months or six months depending on who’s dispensing the advice.

So are we to toss it, even though it's only partially used?

I know, I know, bacteria, eye infection, all the bad things that can happen. But truly, I've never developed a problem by using a year-old mascara. Perhaps I've just been lucky.

At $25 plus a pop, who can really afford to wear it anymore?

Nevertheless, I’m going to test drive both gel and mascara to see if they deliver on the promise to prevent raccoon eyes by the end of the day.

How often do you replace your mascara? What’s your favorite brand?


  1. i quit using mascara long years ago, but i never got rid of it after 6 weeks. i never used any really expensive brands. i was a maybelline eye products fan. i do still use my eyelash curler some.

    1. That maybelline in the pink and green container is the most popular mascara in the world but it never worked for me. Congrats on giving up mascara entirely!

  2. As the Brits would say: "Poppycock!" 3 weeks is way too soon to throw out a perfectly good mascara. I usually get rid of it after about a year. I've also had a red mascara I used two, maybe three times a year that lasted 6 years. My favourite brand is Lancome and I usually select their basic mascara in waterproof. I've also hear great things about YSL but it's just a bit too pricey for me.

    1. Yep,total poppycock! Just another way to sell more items,6mths was what I was advised,and also think Mette's post a while ago agreed,but admit to using mine much longer!

    2. Anna, neither will I throw one out before it's finished. A year seems reasonable to me!

    3. Judith: yes I agree that the cosmetic companies will do anything to sell their products!

  3. I once wrote a post about how often to replace one´s makeup stuff, but can´t remember what answers I got, heh.
    I´d think one year is a reasonable time ( if they last that long ), and if you clean the brushes and exchange the pads every now and then.
    I also use makeup so seldom, that it would be a waste to throw expensive stuff away.
    I have slowly moved towards Chanel in the makeups, as I like everything matching and their products are good and the colors are pretty.
    I don´t use waterproof mascara, as I wash my face with a liquid soap - in the most simplest way. And I wear mascara only on special occasions. Kajal is what I wear.
    Smears are unavoidable, so a quick mirror check is needed every now and then.

    1. I think you are correct that smears are unavoidable, regardless of which brand one uses. I usually keep Q-tips in my bag to fix smears.

  4. Please let us have feedback on BB's mascara,I have such fair lashers as to be almost extinct,so need all the help I can get,also difficult to find the right type of brown mascara,and by the end of the day it smears under the eyes urrgh.

    1. I can report already that the mascara stays in place and not below my eye. An oil-based remover is required to get it off at night. Have you ever thought about permanent color on your lashes? I believe it lasts about two months but might be worth your time to check it out. I considered it once, but never got around to following up.

      I'll let you know more about the eye liner as the days go by.

  5. Hello Sanda.
    A very interesting post.
    like you,i have had my mascara for over a year.. I dont wear mascara or makeup every day.
    I have just bought a new one ,only last week ,with the eye liner as well from a brand called "kiko".. dont know if you have it there.. i bought some lipstick too.. and i am very happy with it.. its one of the cheaper I always bought Elisabeth Arden or other big brand names.. Today's market for cosmetics has much more to offer.
    Hope you are happy with the new one you bought.
    have a happy weekend.. val x x

    1. Not familiar with the kiko brand. Expensive doesn't always equal better, I've found. So far, very happy with the mascara; eye liner seems OK, but have only used it once. More use before I can report the success of it.

  6. I admit, I'm another girl whose mascara last for a year or so. At the price of cosmetics in Australia - I use Clarins - no way would I throw away before it is finished. A bit of smudging does occur, but I check it now and then through the day. Like the sound of that BB eyeliner, and might give it a go. Do let us know what you think of it. Happy weekend, Sanda!

    1. I wonder if the cosmetic prices in Australia are the same as in the U.S. Expensive here as well. I have been using a Clinique cake eyeliner for years and years; it's pretty good for not smudging (as pencils do) but it was time for a change, as the cake eyeliner became chalky-looking by the end of the day.

  7. Well of course they want you to throw it out, so you'll come buy some more from them! I used to keep mascaras for absolutely ages back in the day when I bought make-up on a whim. Now I keep the one I'm using until it's used up then go buy another.

    I love Bobbi Brown's gel eyeliner; it is easier to apply than liquid, you don't have to have a sharp line and I've apparently reached the age when kohl pencil eyeliner just won't stay put. I fortunately already had a flat brush from Body Shop that works fine for me. The sales lady told me to be sure to keep the cap tightly closed or it will dry out.

    I've always had good experience with Maybelline mascara, though not their most enduring 'Great Lash' line. I find that product very clumpy. Their other products - I only buy waterproof - seem much better to me. I think I currently have something called Illegal Lengths which I like.

    I can't argue against the issue of bacterial infections. Bacteria require certain conditions and I can't think what bacteria would find attractive about petroleum products and oils - the Wikipedia entry for mascara makes for interesting reading! (They recommend disposal after 3 months). Like you I've been remarkably lucky. I have had a few eye infections, maybe half a dozen, in my 57 years, mostly when I was younger. They were always diagnosed as viral. I do remember doing two things as a teen that I wouldn't consider now. I used to add a couple drops of water to my mascara tube to try to make it last longer and I used to share/borrow make-up with girlfriends.

    1. Shelly, so you didn't have luck with the Great Lash by Maybelline either! So many people sing its praises, but didn't work for me.

      Oh, and another thing the BB consultant told me: Clean your mascara brush just as you do your other makeup brushes. That was news to me. I've never cleaned the mascara applicator! Perhaps that's the key to preventing eye infections, but like you, I've never had that problem.

  8. I rarely wear mascara or eyeliner. Since I wear contacts most of the time I'm pretty careful about what goes on or near my eyes. I was told 6 months is a good date to clear out old stuff but I'm sure I have some products around that are older than that. Maybe I need to go dump them.


    1. As most of us seem to wear only a small amount of mascara, or makeup at all, we could manage with the sample mascaras, which would surely last the three months recommended ! Brilliant !

    2. Darla: I admit to having cosmetics on hand that are way past six months old. Seems such a shame to toss them.

      Mette: Like Judith below, I'm never offered mascara samples either!

  9. Sample mascara?? have never seen or been offered one, next visit to cosmetic counter will be querying this,thanks Mette.

    1. Like you, I'll be asking for samples in the future. I have gotten them with the "free products with a purchase" but never an out-and-out individual sample for free.
