Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Meet Katie

She's here!

Katherine Eloise (Katie) was born August 19, not on her "due date," the 27th. Babies have a way of knowing when it's time to make their appearances, regardless of what the doctors say.

She was born on the same day as her great grandfather and is his first great grandchild!

On the very day I posted the quilt photos, we received a call that the time was approaching. So at 1 a.m. Monday, August 19, we headed out, arriving at the hospital at 6 a.m., just a few hours before her birth.

And what a precious child she is! All 7.5 pounds of her. She has a full head of dark hair and I'll have more pictures showing that later.

The new family is doing quite well and getting some much needed rest.

Thanks to all of you for your congratulatory comments.

And a BIG thanks to my sweet sister for coming to stay and take care of all our pets while we were away!


  1. Congratulations dear Sanda! Katie is the most beautiful little baby girl you could wish for, and so sweet in pink. You must be thrilled, and all your friends in blogland are excited for you too. Enjoy every precious minute, and I know your fingers will be busy making other lovely items for Katie as she grows. Thank you for sharing :)

    1. Thanks to all of you -- Patricia, Rosemary, Helen, Darla, Val, Judith, Mette and Edith -- for your comments!

  2. She is lovely and will bring you so much pleasure as you watch her grow up. The relationship between grandchildren and grandparents is a very special one - enjoy.

    1. I hope to get to visit with her real often!

  3. Hello Sanda

    What a beautiful baby you have to hug. Katie is precious and I am delighted for you. May her life be full of joy, learning and happiness as she basks in the love of her family

    Helen x

    1. Babies are such a joy. I look forward to the experience.

  4. Awwww...so precious! I can imagine your joy. I'm so happy for you and your family Sanda. She will be cherished and surrounded with love I am sure. Enjoy your days with her.


  5. Oh, how wonderful Sanda. Congratulations to mummy and daddy and to you..
    She indeed did come early.. i was waiting to see if she was born on the 27th..
    She is so so cute. I can imagine how wonderfully happy you all are..
    A big hug to little Katie..
    Enjoy the precious moments that you have with her.
    big hugs.. val xxx

    1. Early from the doctor's prediction, but she was full term and very healthy; a blessing.

  6. What great news Sanda,another Grandma/Grandpapa(thinking of Mette)sweet Katie.Congratulations to her new parents.

    1. Thanks, Judith! Lots of new grandparents these days.

  7. Oh Sanda - what great news. Congratulations !
    A lovely baby girl in pink.
    Shouldn´t we all new grandmothers ( You, Kathy, Judith ( the baby pup ), Patricia get together / join our forces and do some " serious " baby - talking. All the aahs, oohs, the smiles.. Simply great! xx

    1. Thank you for a kind thought,but however cute,a puppy does not compare to G/children.So will enjoy your posts on the new babies....all together now aahhhs.

    2. That is a great thought, Mette. Compare pictures, etc.
      Judith, well...maybe not...but new doggies are a special joy as well!

  8. How precious is a baby girl? No words to describe the feelings and happiness they bring. She is so beautiful ...can't wait to hold her. So happy for all of you!
    It was fun "pet sitting"!

    1. Thanks to you we didn't have to worry about the safety/happiness of the pets while we were gone. I hope Pat and Jen will bring Katie over soon!

  9. Congrats grandma Sanda :-) a beautiful little granddaughter. Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful few days with little Katie!

    1. Baby Katie is doing fine and is a well contented baby.

  10. Congratulations Sanda!! Katie sure is a beautiful and precious little baby. Granddaughters (and grandsons!) are special God-given joys!!

  11. Thank you Areeda. Glad to see you here again!
