Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Peach Time

I bought local peaches today and they are wonderful. Not all peaches are created equal and you don't always know what you're getting.

But when peaches from the local orchard are ready each year, I know they will be prefect.

Tomorrow I will use part of them to make peach shortcake, a dessert I've never made. I found a recipe and it's similar to strawberry shortcake, so how can I go wrong?

I think I'll have enough peaches to also make a peach cobbler pie, a real favorite.

What's your favorite way to use fresh peaches? Ice cream, perhaps? Yes, that's quite wonderful too!

But it doesn't get much better than just peeling one and eating it unadorned.

I'm thinking that peaches may be my favorite fruit. The season for them is relatively short so I need to get started and eat as many as I can.


  1. Low in calories, rich in vitamin C - I really think that this is one treat that you can happily indulge in without any conscience - enjoy.

  2. I like peaches although I am kind of hit and miss when it comes to picking out the good ones. Wish we had a local orchard. Peach cobbler would be my first choice when it comes to eating them.


    1. Some from the large stores are AWFUL; not juicy and have a dry, mealy texture. You have your avocados and lemons there in Calif; we have our peaches in Alabama. Too bad we can't "have it all!"

  3. i like peaches! i don't even peel them lol

    1. I've tried eating the peel but the fuzz just gets to me! I'm sure the peel is good for you, tho.

  4. I only like real farm ripened peaches, and just delighted in one this morning and one last night. This variety I had has red interior and only appears in July. Oh peaches peaches peaches... : )

    1. Yum. I see you and I are on the same wavelength! I think the ones I got are Albertas.

  5. All the peaches we get are imported, but I like them still. As such, without peeling, Yummy!

    1. Yummy is true! And they are so PRETTY as well!

  6. Lucky you fresh from the orchards,ours are imported.I use them as a daily fruit salad.The largest and juicious ones I have ever seen were in Greece.

    1. Daily, wow. You like them too, I see. Wonderful fruits and vegetables in Greece. Best tomatoes I ever ate were there.

  7. The peach shortcake was wonderful!
    Love those local peaches and they are my favorite fruit too.

    1. Thank you! Was hard to go wrong with those lovely peaches. Tomorrow I make a peach cobbler.

  8. I was at the farmer's market last Saturday and someone there had the most beautiful peaches I'd ever seen. I didn't buy any but wish I had!
