Thursday, September 26, 2013

Downton Abbey: Countdown to Season Four

Hey, all you Downton Abbey fans in the U.S.  Season 4 premiers January 5, 2014. Our friends in the UK are lucky enough to be viewing it already.

A trailer has been released for the fourth series and it shows Mary deep in mourning following the death of her husband Matthew Crawley.

You can go to PBS for other information related to the upcoming season. There you'll find a Countdown Clock, if you happen to be counting off the days until the first installment arrives.

Highclere Castle, the setting for Downton Abbey

If you're like me and really like movies and books set during this period (pre-WWI and post-WWI), then I highly recommend to you the book I'm now reading. It's called The House at Riverton by Australian author Kate Morton. It is her debut novel and set in England between the wars. 

If you're a huge Downton Abbey fan you'll adore this book! An aristocratic family, a house, a mysterious death and a way of life that vanished forever -- what's not to like. It's told in flashback by a woman who witnessed it all and kept a secret for decades.

Will you be watching Downton Abbey, Season Four in January? If you're lucky enough to be watching it already, what do you think (although don't tell us what happens, please!).


  1. Yes, you are right, we saw our first episode of the new series last Sunday evening. I wont spill the beans - but how do you know it has started here?

    1. Oh Rosemary, you know how one can find out what's happening anywhere in the world via the Web! Also, just know that previous seasons air in Sept in the UK; January in the US.

  2. Can't wait to see it in January! Reading your post and seeing the pictures makes me even more anxious for it to return. The book you're reading sounds great!

    1. That book was great! One of the best I've read of that genre. Kate Morton is a wonderful storyteller.

  3. Have only watched stray episodes of DA. Someday I'll get the DVD's and have a binge.

    I read The House at Riverton a couple of years ago. I remember I liked it so I went to my book list ( to see what I said. I gave it a 5 (1-5) so I REALLY liked it. I only give a 5 to one or two books a year. Hope you enjoy the book as much as I did. I've read a couple more by the author and liked them as well but not as much as this one. Will be interested in your review.


    1. I can see we like the same kind of books. I've only ever read one other book from this author, The Secret Keeper, and liked it very much as well. I'm going to get your other books. I love it that she just keeps a mystery going, and continues to pull the reader in.

  4. I´m totally out concerning TV. Have not watched it in 3 1/2 years, no DVD´s either.
    Maybe I might start watching it some day, just don´t know what day..
    Therefore, I don´t have an opinion on this series ( :

    1. Not a great deal you miss not watching TV, but occasionally there's something that really appeals. I know DT has its critics, but for me it's a little form of escapism and wonderful eye candy!

  5. Wishing you a pleasant weekend we are having an Indian Summer here....DA does not appeal too soap opera for me.

    1. I do remember that you aren't a DT fan. Soap operish, yes, but love it anyway. Enjoy your days of Indian Summer.

  6. Indeed, I sat myself down in front of the telly last Sunday night and watched the first episode. It was lovely to see the lush clothes and the familiar faces. Must admit I felt it moved rather slowly, almost as though Fellowes is eking out his ideas. This is a feature that largely put me off ever watching soaps, the relative lack of action, but I'm sure I'll pursue Downton until its demise.

    Ah, The House at Riverton was practically a live changer for me {well, perhaps that's a slight exaggeration!}. I wrote about it here

    I think Bill and I have some sort of obsession with the interwar period and this book really feeds mine - I've re-read it at least once since this post. And I've read many of the books on her bibliography. This is a good reminder to go back and chase some more of them - a few are completely out of reach, being out of print, but there are some I still could get from the library. I was astonished to find the one about Victorian etiquette among Bill's family book collection - it's a riot!

    1. I checked out your link and there are some great books there, many of which I've never read. I'm going to add them to my list! Thanks for sharing.

  7. Heard that the new series of Homeland starts next Sunday...can't wait really enjoying this American series.
    Agree with Shelley,fame came late to JF so he needs to eke out the series wealth is the is most things in life.

    1. I haven't watched Homeland, but checked it out and it sounds great. I suppose it aired here on Showtime channel, but we don't get that. Will likely order the DVDs in the future. Thanks.

      Agree with you and Shelley; makes for more sequels!
